Friday, April 18, 2008

A whole lotta shakin' goin on

I was extra tired last night and turned in early for me.  I think I slept like I was made of lead. 

I remember my 10 year old coming in and asking if I was alright.  I was sleeping in a twisted position and was making a weird sound according to him.  I assured him I was fine and went back to sleep.

I must have gone back to sleeping hard again because 3 hours later, I was in the same position I fell asleep in again.

I know this because it felt like my son was trying to wake me up again.  In my foggy mind, it seems I felt someone fall against my bed and shake the mattress to wake me up.  This is no easy job as my mattress is one of those extra thick ones.  I sat up and no one was there.

I remember in the back of my mind hearing a crunch/crack and wondered if someone had accidentally run into our building.

I got up and walked into the hall where my 16 year old was walking around in a daze.  He asked if I'd felt that.  I told him I had.  This boy is NEVER easy to wake up.  You have to darn near threaten bodily harm and a bucket of refrigerator water.  He said his bed was shaking and kept yelling "I'm getting up!"

I determined that it had been tremors after listening outside.  The birds were in a tizzy and it was just 4:38 am.  So I prayed and went back to sleep. (I figure God wakes me up at weird hours to pray sometimes, so I did).

I get up this morning and get on Yahoo and guess what?  It registered a 5.4 on the Richter scale and was felt as far as 450 miles away!


  1. I know I heard. I was thinking and praying for al my friends that live in the areas that were hit. Im glad you are okay hon.

  2. WOW... sooo not expecting an earthquake in the midwest. I'm very glad that it wasn't serious. *HUG*

  3. I saw the news about the earthquake at the gym. I was so surprised!!! I'm glad you and your son are okay.

  4. I felt nada, but all my coworkers are saying they did. I normally sleep lightly so I'm suprised I didn't feel the tremors. But the cat was acting up though right before I fell off to sleep.

  5. Glad to see you are okay - Mo told me you made a post while we were on the phone.. (when I got her text I was WTF??? EARTHQUAKE?)

  6. At least you didn't think it was one of "those" dreams...


  7. Wow! I am glad that everyone is ok. It has always been said that animals are able to since these kinds of things way before it happens and I believe that. I am in Alabama, but my cat was acting a fool last night. I was ready to throw him outside.

  8. Welcome to California! LOL!!

  9. wow!!!

    and Lee, unless she moved, or on vacation (and I didn't know), she's in IL, not CA! LOL

  10. I told TJ I was needing to call you when they said Belmont, IL (which I have no clue of the location), but I saw your post. Glad everything is OK!

  11. Belmont is up near Chicago, but I think it was actually Benton, IL, which is down near Mt. Vernon...

  12. I'm glad that everyone is ok!! But just one question....are you sure you were in the Midwest instead of!!

  13. GIRRRRRRRRRRL!!! I was at my desk and it just happened again!

  14. wow, again??? Now I KNOW IL gets the tornados, but not earthquakes! How is Champaign? I'm wondering if I should call to check on my aunt there.

  15. YES IT DID!!! I'm on the 5th floor!!

  16. Msmo, was that to me about Champaign?

  17. Sorry, that was in reply to Dee's "did you feel that?" comment.

  18. You know I just remembered I did see a news report that talked about a fault line that goes through the mid-west!!! guess that baby decided to wake up.

  19. I don't know about Champaign. Trust me, your aunt will probably get a kick out of telling you about it anyway. Call her!

  20. Yeah, I heard about it this morning. About 3:30 am, I could have sworn I felt something fall/jump off my bed onto the floor. Woke me up out of a sound sleep. I looked at the clock and went back to bed.

    Has anyone else noticed the greater occurrences of 'natural' disasters? I'm so glad this wasn't worse.

  21. Yep...snow in April. Floods. 70 degree weather in December. Folks can act like it's not, but it's coming...

  22. I'm just glad to know y'all are ok.

  23. Got me hearing Grandma's voice in my head.

    "These dem last and evil days baby."

  24. If I say I'm not, will you come and comfort me? *wheels turning*

  25. You gotta admit...folks using aborted babies as art. Men having babies with their child. Parents killing their children and children killing their parents. And to think, it's all going to get worse.

  26. No cuz you sleep with your mouth closed. lol

  27. That ain't art and that ain't no man. I don't care what Dr. Jeckyll called her.

    But yeah, it's only gonna get worse.

    On the bright side, the NFL Draft is coming in just a few more days.

  28. **EARTHQUAKE in the Midwest**

    Just another sign that the Lord is telling us he's coming back and to BE READY!!!

    I'm SO glad you and the boys are OK. *hug*

  29. I have!!! Floods in areas that usually don't have them. Crazy storms. Tornado touching down in downtown ATL!!! I mean seriously!!!

  30. *snicker* She said that like my twin wouldn't be one of the first ones to know if I was in her neck of the woods!

  31. LOL...yeah, I know where my twin is.
