Monday, October 27, 2008

Snow in October?

My sister just e-mailed me to say that it's snowing in Milwaukee!


  1. That's COOL!!!!!

    They're calling for snow back home (Pittsburgh) this week too....

    I wish it would snow a freakin FOOT down here.
    Make that two. They'll still expect me to show up if it's only a foot.

  2. it's cold here in B'ham England.. 41F
    snow forecasted for this week I think...
    so cold now...have my dressing gown over my clothes as heating is up, but the price of gas is so expensive now.

  3. I'm on the phone with my sister, she said it's still snowing in Milwaukee.

  4. Well a friend of mine in CT says it's been cool since August so i figured snow would be just around the corner. Doesn't it usually snow early there anyways? I don't know much about snow where i'm from. If we see an inch we are shutting everything down for weeks lol.

  5. It's gotten cool here in the A pretty quick and we are usually good until Mid-November but today I had to bring out the trench coat. Tomorrow the hat comes out.

  6. *Singin and swingin and gettin merry like Christmas!*

    I saw some kind of freezing hail mix on Saturday when we were at Oberweiss!

  7. Well, I'm from Montana originally and they just had their first snow storm last week, which about normal for MT

  8. God knows if it snowed like that right now. I bet not try to step fott outside my house. Shawn takes my keys when he feels the weather is to bad.

  9. as in the ice cream store!!! homemade ice cream! yummy!

  10. Its just starting to get cold enough to wear a coat around here.

  11. it snowed heavily here in B'ham England this afternoon, and was SO cold...
    it stuck in the back garden but melted on the outside footpaths...just stuck to car roofs...
    seems to have warmed up a bit [it's after 10 pm here as well...weird]
    have took my fleece dressing gown off recently which I was wearing over my clothes...

    cannot remember snow in October for MANY years...infact we have had quite mild winters compared to how it used to be.
