Monday, December 15, 2008

In Case You Missed It LMAO

Oh well...


  1. I've been seeing it non-stopped for almost 2 days...and I laugh my ass off each time!

  2. Just goes to show you that God don't like ugly!

  3. Girl, we have been laughing about this all weekend. I keep telling Diamond, look at those reflexes!

  4. It must be in the union contract for the secret service to take a bullet but not a shoe.

  5. see...I'd be whooping SOMEBODY's ass...mainly somebody who JUST THREW SOME SHOES AT ME.

  6. I still say his wife must have a good ass arm.

  7. I know right! I'm still shocked dude was able to throw the 2nd shoe before getting tackled!

  8. I just have one question...why the FUCK was he laughin about it?

  9. Okay I know everyone is going to assume that I say this because I have, in the past, voted Republican.. however I am saying it because he is the President... I find that clip, and the reaction that people are having to it, really sad. Not many people are getting that we should not be amused at our President getting attacked like that. Even with a shoe. It is proof that no one respects Americans... now, granted, he has made some decisions that people don't agree with, but he still should be respected. *shrug* I just think that people would be flipping out if someone winged a shoe at Obama for his beliefs.

  10. Actually K, they don't respect him. They have no problem with the average citizen.

  11. But Kris-- he didn't get attacked...he ducked...LOL

    And I agree with Rob, our president is not well liked which is verrrrrrry understandable from where I sit. Yes, there are different, perhaps more appropriate ways to express that. But maybe ol' boy was really passionate about his reasons for doing that the way he did, in manner in which he did. What's more effed up is the secret service sat idly by and let not one, but TWO shoes get thrown. WTF?

  12. I don't think it's particularly funny. I just said 'Oh shit' when i saw it on the news.
    Bush might not be the brightest bulb, but he's got good reflexes.

  13. Cuz he's a jackass who thought it was funny. He is so culturally unaware and intellectually UNcurious, that it has yet to hit him how supreme an insult was hurled at him.

  14. Oh he got attacked. The man just missed, twice.

    Make no mistake, that journalist intended to hit him, square in his head.

  15. Knowing him, he was probably thinking "DO IT AGAIN! That was COOL!"

  16. I think he was trying to be a 'good sport' and not be overly upset. Sometimes people laugh and joke at inappropriate times as a defense mechanism.

    Or I could just be talkin shit. lol

  17. lol.....BUT YOU GOTTA GO TO THE CORNA FOR DAT ONE! lmaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooo

  18. U know it's true. lol...But this was definitely another Bushism to add to the list.

  19. I was kinda shocked, but then I could not help but chuckle. But Bush has good reflexes!!!

  20. I laughed so damn hard yesterday when this came on.....PHEW goodness!

  21. I'll bet it wasn't as hard as you laughed when my Skins gave up and rolled over to the Bengals.

  22. Now THAT was funny. I was embarrassed for ya'll. The Bengals? WHO loses to the Bengals? FTFO

  23. Obviously my former team. They no longer care, so why should I?

  24. *in my best Sinclair voice* woo woo woooooo!

    Win LOSE or Tie...I remain a Cowgirl till i die. And when my #1 Team gets me down...i always look to my Ravens and Steelers to lift me up.

    Let's hear it for the Boyz! *sniggling at the Skinz*

    *passes the journalist my pumps*

  26. I'm finished with football. Except Madden of course. Anybody wanna distract me from the game tonight?

  27. That's what I was saying, because it wasn't like a quick two piece like "Bang Bang". He threw one shoe, took a second to reload, then threw the second one LOL(good looking out by the Iraqi president for the deflection on the second shoe also lol). I was thinking that the secret service agents just don't care anymore

  28. Yeah, you've got to give him that. Either that, or this wasn't the first time someone has thrown a shoe at him

  29. to be some damn SLOW (ie: retarded) he sure did duck pretty quick *pffft*

  30. Wow, I just hate that dude missed! Now think about it...that could have been something that could have killed him, and he's standing there smiling like a complete idiot! What a complete and total moron! That's why our country is the shit-pile that it is now!

  31. *wondering what happened to "you have to give respect to get respect"? *shrug*

    I didn't analyze the what's or why's. I thought the old guy had some shoe ducking skills. That doesn't come naturally, that comes from experience.

    I doubt so many folks would find it funny if he was hurt, but he's not and I'm laughing.

    And for the record, if Obama ducked shoes, I'd KNOW Michelle had skills!

    Everything doesn't always have to be labeled black or white, at least not on my page.

  32. I'll take "It's a Learned Reflex" for $1000 Alex...

  33. Those shoes were not hurled at Bush for his "beliefs." They were hurled at him for his ACTIONS which have taken the lives of thousands, all unnecessarily. Those shoes were hurled out of frustration, anger, pain, and sheer indignity that he has the nerve to do a "victory lap" around the Middle East now that he has made a high holy mess of it.

    It had nothing to do with his "beliefs."

    And if Obama fucks up even HALF as bad as Bush has, he should be ducking too!

  34. Update on the fate of the reporter...will be interesting to see if Iraq lets him go free...

  35. I'm so glad the Prez didn't get hurt, but shoot...that man moved fast didn't he???

  36. ok, you can tell I dont watch TV cuz I did not see this bullshit!


  37. to put this one statement in perspective, Obama wont get the opportunity to make the kind of mess that Bush has. best believe, if he screws up this first term, neither he nor any other Black person will get another shot. not for a long time to come.

  38. priceless!

    but that ass can duck...damn....

  39. Well said. His statement was "this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog." We can't sit here and deny that while Saddam was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqis, so was Bush. Of course there are going to be some sour feelings, whether we did the right thing or not (which I'm still not convinced we did, but that's not the point).

    I respect the office of President of the United States, but I don't respect George Bush and I can't blame anybody else for not respecting him, either.

    He attacked, but if he really wanted to hurt Bush obviously this would have gone very differently. The shoe-throwing was more of a display of disrespect than anything else, a demonstration of being offended by Bush's actions, not his beliefs.

  40. Im sorry but i laughed my ass off when i saw this,lol! and apparently his security aint worth a damn lol! They let not one but 2 shoes fly at the man before they decided to get up!

  41. He shole ducked like he is use to shoes being thrown. That was damned hilarious!

  42. Between that video, and SNL's spoof of David Patterson I am going to hell because I laughed my ass off!! Someone sent me a game where you toss shoes at Bush.
    He was ducking like Ali...floating like a butterfly stinging like a bee lol
