Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's Time To Pay Attention To What Goes In Your Mouth If You're Not Already!!!!

What do you think about cloned food?

It's a great idea, there won't be any food shortages.

Ain't no way in the hell I'm eating man created food and KNOW it!

Makes me no difference, I pray over my food anyway

Gloria, the first baby cow of cloned cow Vitoria, is seen with her mother in a 2004 photo. A Food and Drug Administration report finds that meat and milk from cloned animals is, for the most part, safe to eat, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.REUTERS/Jamil Bittar WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to make a final ruling on Tuesday that food from cloned animals and their offspring is as safe as any other, opening the door to the controversial technology in the U.S. food supply.

The FDA will brief reporters at 12 noon EST on the final risk assessment on animal clones.

FDA officials were unavailable to provide details on the proposed rule. But The Washington Post reported late on Monday that the agency made a final ruling in line with an earlier, interim decision, finding food from cloned cattle, pigs, and goats was safe to eat.

The agency said it did not have enough information to make the same assertion about cloned sheep, the report said.

The cloning industry expects that it will be the offspring of cloned animals, not the costly clones themselves, that would eventually provide meat or milk to U.S. consumers.

There are currently about 570 cloned animals in the United States, but the livestock industry has so far followed a voluntary ban on marketing food from the animals.

While the science appears to have come down on the side of the cloning industry, the technology remains controversial, even within the agriculture industry.

Some dairy firms oppose cloning, betting that consumers will shun goods they see linked to cloning technology. Others believe that more investigation is needed to conclude cloning is safe.

Last week, the European Food Safety Authority made an interim ruling about food from cloned animals and their offspring, saying it was unlikely there was any difference from food derived from traditionally bred animals.

(Reporting by Missy Ryan, editing by Matthew Lewis)



  1. I don't think there are enough long term studies to make me want to eat cloned food and drink cloned milk.

  2. See, that's why I don't eat beef or pork any more. Now they start cloning chickens, turkeys and fish, we got a problem! lol

  3. The idea is actually good as a way to end the food shortage problem, but like divam said, there just hasn't been enough time to determine what all the health effects are. There have been a lot of things that the FDA originally approved, but after time, adverse effects came out that weren't in the testing and they had to be recalled.

  4. I'm not being used as a guinea pig while they say oh cloned meat is safe, then folks start growing hooves out of their necks as a side effect!!! Heck no!!! I don't trust it.

  5. when they do that I will become a vegetarian!!! I really will.

  6. Why do I have the feeling there's something filthy mcnasty behind that question?

  7. Not this time Deedles. Just silliness.

  8. _______________________DEAD_____________________

  9. I stopped eating beef and pork some years before they allowed for this mess to happen. This gives me greater reasoning for not ever going back to eat meat.

    I agree with divam.......there's not enough studies out to make me believe that this type of food is safe enough for us to eat.

  10. CTHU, yeah, we'll be walking around looking like some mess off of Star Trek!

  11. I got dibs on the big booty green women.

  12. Seriously!!! Because that's what they do. Oh it's safe, it's safe. Yet folks are walking around getting cancer, seriously obese from all this so called safe food.

  13. I was wondering myself, Dee! And since I stop eating pork (man, sometimes I miss rib tips & hot links), I'm not a big bbq sauce consumer.

  14. ROFL Oh you gonna be the new captain kirk!!! Getting busy with all the female aliens. LOL

  15. sept how long has it been since you stopped eating beef and pork and what made you do it?

  16. Ok! Cap'n Kirk didn't care what color the ill nana was! CTHU

  17. It will be 3 years in June. I had already started cutting down on my beef and pork intake due to my daughter's migraine headaches. We did the Daniel's fast at church one year and that helped me to completely cut it off. I wanted to start living a healthier lifestyle.

  18. Not even on the chicken? *crying like T.O.*

  19. Good for you!! I've never eaten pork, and cut down on my beef consumption as well. My mother became vegetarian almost 20 years ago. My sister and brother on the other hand still eat beef and sneaks pepperoni on her pizza. LOL

  20. LOL - how old are they? Why are they sneaking? Sounds like when we were little and we used to sneak and feed the cat our liver. lol

  21. Sister is 31 and my brother is 33. LOL It's that whole we don't live at home thing, but they just don't want Mom to know they are doing it regardless.

  22. I dunno how i feel about this right now..

  23. I'm surprised none of my nasty azz friends have gone "there" with the title of the blog, lol.

  24. Where could I possibly go with this?

  25. Pay attention to what goes in your mouth? Idano....*lookin at Rob sideways*

  26. Why did he speak up when you said 'nasty azz friends'? It's just like my granddaddy use to say - A hit dog will holler! LOL

  27. Do I hear you barking too? I'm not nasty by myself.

  28. Ummm, yes, you are. You was nasty long before I met you.

  29. It's funny how we get grown and still try to keep things from our parents.

  30. *raises hand* um, dee, I actually did think that was the what the blog was about before I read it and only saw the title hehe

  31. Okay sorry all you chickenheads LOL, but have you ever done any research on what they do to chicken ? Most chicken is injected with so many steriods that it grows to full grown in like 1/10th of the time that it should take. And most chickens never see the light of day in their short life, and most chickens are so packed together in pens that their claws literally fuse to the cage because they cannot move.

    pops chicken nugget in my mouth.


    check it out, but only if you are planning on eating salad tonight. :)

  33. You would post that while I have a dozen buffalo wings. Well 2 actually and a bunch of bones.

  34. Farmer's Market blessed. I buy my chicken from there it's not injected with the hormones.

  35. Yeah I told you I am a big supporter of the farmers market. I do however buy my meat from the organic section of the grocery store. . .

    Hormones in meat are the reason that our daughters are getting their periods and breasts so young these days. IMHO

    Sorry Rob. bwock bwock :)

  36. I know I told my sister to find chicken not injected with the stuff!!! Seeing my 9 year old niece budding was unnerving!!!! LOL

  37. Which is exactly why we shouldn't tell our kids to shake their tail feathers. LOL LOL

  38. Yeah, I'm feeling you guys on the organic food. I wish it wasn't so daggone expensive, though. I just came off a 10 day cleanse/fast and man, I didn't know organic grade b maple syrup was $12.99!!!

  39. The more people who buy organic, the lower they can price things

  40. Well sounds like I need to start buying organic because they are tripping with the food! I'm not interested in cloned meat! Not at all!


  42. I would give up meat before i eat some lab created stuff.

  43. I also have to say that I hope I can tell the difference if someone slips me some.
