Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Can I Get A Witness? Wednesday

I got my name in lights with


First of all I want to say that I borrowed the name in lights and fireworks from One.

Secondly, I've had a heck of a turn around in the last 24 hours.  Yesterday I had some things on my mind that really concerned me, but those have been remedied and all is good.

Third, my Thanksgiving hospital visit has put me in a really bad spot financially for Christmas.

I was down to $1.76, with no payday between now and Christmas and not a single gift purchased yet for one of my boys.  They know already that Christmas for us is doing for others anyway (we have a field day with after-Christmas sales) and they were satisfied with putting others who had even less, before us. 

I knew I had some Christmas money coming from my father, so I knew that I'd have something under the tree for both sons.  Then I picked up the mail...

Turns out the day I went to the ER, I'd actually been on my way to make a deposit.  I figured the day before Thanksgiving, if I didn't make it, I could still get there first thing Friday morning to cover a check I'd written.  Wrong.

Well, I knew it bounced, it was written to an agency that I knew there was no point in trying to contact (too many recordings), so I waited for the notice. And you guessed it, with $1.76 in my account, I got it.  It said that I had until 12/24 to get a money order into their office *eye roll* Come on, Christmas eve?

So I did the only thing I could do.  I remembered the video I posted, (before all those 2Pac videos) I got into my faith and asked God to do what He does.

Now I had a sleep study last night and I knew that I had to consciously push worry out of my mind.  Well, right before I went to sleep, I got an answer to the questions I'd needed, so that was on my mind as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I told God that I was depending on Him for help and I knew He wouldn't let me down.  In the car, just as my mind started wandering and heading toward worry, I heard a radio spot for a church in a nearby city.  The pastor was saying if you pray, don't worry and if you worry, don't pray.  I kept my mind right and started thanking God for money.

I took my son to school and went home and set my clock for noon.  I snuggled back up under the covers and as I drifted off to sleep, my mind started worrying about other bills that weren't even due yet.

I flipped on the gospel station on my digital cable and drifted off to sleep.  I woke up to a song I love and I started praising Him.  Walking around the house singing God's got a blessing with MY name on it!

I checked the mail before leaving to pick up my son from school and there was a flexible spendable reimbursable claim in it.  What that means is that I now had 2 1/2 hours to go by my job and file it in order to have $175 in my pocket on Friday.  I thanked God for it REPEATEDLY and began to think that one problem was solved, what about the other?

On the way to my job, I got a call from my dad.  He got his money 2 days early and I would be able to pick up my Christmas money today!

So in a matter of hours, I went from $1.76 to  over 100 times that!

Isn't God Awesome?

Here's the video I spoke of...



  1. That video is so awesome. It reminds me of how Satan will use things in our lives to pull us away from God. But, to those that love the Lord, He will always make Himself known.

    He is SO good. I'm so glad you were able to experience His awesome love and power in such a real way. Love you, Twin!

  2. Yes! Yes He is. You were faithful, and He didn't fail to come on through!!!

  3. 1st, I wanna say, it's ok that you stole the name in lights thingy from One cause believe me, if I ever get within a foot of him, I'm gonna get some of his dna and have him cloned. LOL And that video was awesome! Just lets you know when we let go and give it to him, He supplies all our needs!

  4. Absolutely! I'm so happy for you!
    And stop worrying so much...

  5. You know... Blessings are just that... So unexpected, but so right on time... I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen nothing but darkness before me, and I will be honest, its because of bad decisions and being hardheaded... But even still God has never left me... He is always right on time.. How do you make a person believe that statement, 'He's not there when you want Him, but He's always on time'... That is something that each has to witness for themselves... But, Im thankful for your blessing. Sometimes we worry so much bout whats ahead of us and it tends to take our focus away from just praising Him... But we see God is good. He knows what we need.. He just wants us to acknowledge Him...

    And you've been a blessing to me today... thank you so much...

  6. God may not answer your prayer RIGHT away, but you get your answers RIGHT ON TIME!!! AMEN!!!

  7. Monni, your friend, says Amen to all of that!

    MDB, The HR Lady, says Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) rocks! You would not believe how many people do not see the benefit of this program.

  8. "He may not come when you want him to, but he's always on time."

    It is indeed a blessing and a blessing to have read your testimony.
