I meant to talk about this earlier this week, but got sidetracked (is that not a cool picture?).
As you know, I work in a nursery part time and we have infants all the way up to 8 year olds. I have to say that the 3-5 year olds are the hardest to deal with.
Why? They're still being potty trained (well, some of them), they are stingy, they pout and they lie to get their way.
My co-worker's daughter is the majority of those things. I love her because she's blunt and honest to a fault, but she is also treated like an adult at home and sometimes doesn't know her place.
This week there was a little boy who was being a pest. If he were an adult, I'd call him an ass, but I have to assume he doesn't know any better yet. He was being very obnoxious and clingy. We're talking about a school-aged child. I finally told him if he wanted to continue acting that way then to go somewhere in the room where no one else was at and play by himself. He didn't want to. He wanted to hang up under my co-worker and whine.
I asked the co-worker's daughter if she'd like to have him for a brother and she said no, she'd smack him. Fast forward about an hour. The kids are playing (nicely) and the little boy has a toy that she wants. My co-worker is on the phone and not paying any attention and that's what the little girl is looking at, not me.
She snatches the toy and when the little boy tries to take it back, she smacks him in the face with a purse and knocks him down. I yell her name and tell her to help him up and apologize and she starts screaming that he was messing with her.
I repeated exactly what I saw happen, then she said he threw something at her. I said that it wasn't true and apologize. Then she said that he kicked her. Every lie she told, I came back with a truth until she finally went screaming to her mom to try and plead her case. Of course she didn't get in trouble and that's an injustice her mother will pay for sooner or later.
That came back to memory this morning as I thought about a co-worker at my other job that does the same thing. If you back her into a corner, so to speak, she keeps coming up with bigger and better lies to make herself look right until all you can do is look at her and shake your head.
I remember the last time I lied to my father. I was in high school. I was supposed to be somewhere, but was planning to use that as a cover and be someplace else. Before I walked out the door he told me "Be where you're supposed to be and do what you're supposed to be doing. I'm like shit in a cow pasture, by the time you see me, it'll be too late." Yeah, ok.
I went on with my plans. As I type this, maybe that was his way of telling me he was on to something, I don't know. Anyway, I went to where I wasn't supposed to go and I let my boyfriend at the time drive my dad's car (STUUUUUUUUPID move I now know) and he was smoking a cigarette in it.
We're just sitting in a parking lot, him smoking and me talking. He looks past me and says to me "What does that MF want?" I turn around and you KNOW who it was!
My lie had caught up with me. That was the last day I lied to him. I found that it's easier to face the truth and deal with it than to let the lies mount up until they stop adding up (and eventually they WILL stop adding up) and you look incredibly stupid to everyone who'd believed you up to that point.
Has a lie ever caught up with you or someone you know?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lies~A 360 Repost
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ReplyDeleteI'm certain everybody has gotten caught up at one time or another.
ReplyDeleteMy sister will lie about what day it is...I have now become so immune to her crap...I don't even respond...I just give her a blank look...that says " Yeah Uh Huh"...and she starts with her own defense then confession while I never had to say a word...We don't even speak now sadly...I have had enough of her bullshit for a lifetime...you may say that's your Sister...well...Someone should teach her the rules...I know them...and lying and scheming is NOT on any of my lists...I think the worst thing is once someone you love and trust lies to you...it is never the same...how draining to have to second guess everything someone says...Too much energy...When parents do NOT teach kids the severity of lying in the early development stages...Nothing but Hell and Fire is to come for years down the road...and a lot of money on therapy...Hugs SIs...MASALA
ReplyDeleteIf it hasn't they must can walk on water.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young, (wait.. I'm still young) I could lie like a champ. It finally caught up to me and I've paid via karma many times.
ReplyDeleteNow, I have no tolerance for lies.
If you tell a lie you have to remember it and most of the time tell more lies just to keep the first one intact.
ReplyDeleteI have lied before and had to look like a damn fool because of it. Now I try my damndest not to lie because once you get seen as a liar and ppl note you as they..thats a hard category to come out of....the title of liar will cling to you for a long time
Yes. And try hard not to lie. Especially to mista. Simply because he has a steel trap for a mind and stuff i told him two years ago, he can recall at the drop of a hat. I've learned that when you tell one lie, you have to tell another to cover the lie you've told. It's too much work to keep up with the lies....
ReplyDeleteThat right there is almost blogworthy in itself...stay tuned
ReplyDeleteI just do myself a favor and not lie. My ass is too dingy to be keeping up with that kinda ish. I would have made a fool out of myself real QUICK.
ReplyDeleteyeah, I've had to deal with karma behind some lies myself. it's easier to tell the truth. and you know I'm related to the lying CHAMP. that girl will lie when the truth sounds better...
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the champ...
ReplyDeleteyes you do... BHBS
ReplyDelete*second light bulb clicks on*