Your Adult Film Star Name Is... |
You Are a Natural Flirt |
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting. Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt. And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! |
Your Adult Film Star Name Is... |
You Are a Natural Flirt |
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting. Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt. And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! |
You Are Bad Girl Sexy |
You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on. And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you. Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is. |
This is how I got my praise on in this morning's traffic
Willing To Follow You
as your spirit is leading
i'm willing to follow
cause you give peace like a river
and a joy that overflows
it's total chaos when i'm led by me
so my mind is made up
and i'm willing to follow you
(verse 1)
what is it lord that you need from me?
and which direction should i move my feet?
should i go left, should i go right, or should i stay (stay right here)
cause my own power
i just cannot count on
cause every time i try to it gets me in trouble, hey
life gets real crazy when i do it all my way, yeah
so i acknowledge you in all that i do
my own understanding i could never lean on
i know that my direction should come from you
cause it's to you that i belong
(verse 2)
i counted up the cost it's more that fair
even fright down to the cross that i must bear
you gave your life for me so i'll give mine for you
without your power i just would not make it
all of my life struggles
wouldn't be able to take it, yeah
my desire is to please you, to be more and more
lord i'm yielding and it's to your will
do you want me to move forward or stand still
to reveal your glory on earth is my passion
lord my heart is willing
willing to follow
lord i'm yielding to you
patient wait or to move
my heart is open and it's
willing to follow
Great reading at Mr. Bigzzz spot
**When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Monday night
**What is the last thing you spent money on? Gas
**Who is the most attractive female on your myspace friends list? I don't even remember who is even on my Myspace page.
**Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month? I have lost.
**Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos? Puffy in the big bag, crunchy in the individual bags.
**Congratulations! You just had a son, what's his name? Savaughn
**What are you craving right now? Some more of that baked chicken I just tasted fresh out the oven.
**What was the last thing you cried about? I'd rather not say
**When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell them to keep it? Depends on what my funds look like at the time...
**What color is your tissue box? White with magnolias on it
**Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that? No, but the I just vacuumed the ceiling fan in the dining room.
**What is the last voicemail you received about? Another hospital bill *sigh*
**Have you ever blocked someone on MySpace before? Yes
**Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year? My first day of dialysis
**Do you wear a name tag at work? no way
**What do you usually order from Taco Bell? two hard and one soft taco supreme with no tomatoes and medium sauce..
**Have you ever had a garage sale? Yes and from now on I'll donate whatever I want to people directly. It's just too much.
**What color is your iPod? Ipod? My Sansa MP3 player is hot pink
**What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? A cup of something red at Q's the 4th of July weekend.
**Are you happy right now? No
**Who came over last? Wow. My nephew...
**Do you drink beer? I've only had one in my life
**Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? I told them they were
**What is your favorite key on your key chain? I only have my car key on the ring.
**What was the last movie you watched at home? Three Can Play That Game
First off, Mona has a really identifiable post today about being with someone you know you shouldn’t. Check it out.
Now back to lying... Big lies, little lies, white lies, lies of omission and half truths...they’re all the same to me.
I have to be honest, in grade school I lied alot because I wanted to fit in. I pretty much stopped by high school, mostly because there’s nothing worse than getting caught in a lie because, and I quote Mona’s response to the previous post “I have lied before and had to look like a damn fool because of it.
Now I try my damndest not to lie because once you get seen as a liar and ppl note you as they..thats a hard category to come out of....the title of liar will cling to you for a long time”
Now that’s not to say that I only tell the truth now because there are cases when I don’t think someone can handle the truth or I really want to spare their feelings. I still feel bad about it though.
With that said, liars really get under my skin.
Even worse, liars who after they’re caught in the lie, still won’t own up to it. I’ve gotten to the point that when something is awry at home, I don’t even ask about it because if I do, I’ll only get the half of the story that makes the teller favorable or the standard ‘Ida know’.
Then I have one literal mufukka under my roof that realllllly pisses me off. If you don’t ask a question or make a comment EXACTLY how you mean it...for example:
Me: Did you go to bed at 8:30 like I told you to?
Him: Yes
Me: Then why is the tv on at 11:30 and you’re eyes wide open?
Him: You didn’t tell me to go to sleep, you just said go to bed.
Me: *thinking to myself, Lord, PLEASE help me not to knock the flying snot outta this child* CARRY YOUR ASS TO BED AND FALL THE FUCK ASLEEP!!!
Now I get this almost daily on some level and oft it’s ended with someone getting popped in the mouth because I can’t stand a smartass either.
Now the liars who don’t own up to it even though their shit has blown up in their face? I have no tolerance for.
Case in point, my co-worker took it upon herself to tell the rest of our staff and the second floor (another office) that I’m on dialysis. Believe it or not, even though I’ve told all of you, there are many in my day to day life that don’t know, mainly because it’s none of their business.
So when they all started calling me and offering sad sentiments I was like WTF? How do you even know? Three people told me the same thing. E... It took me 4 days to calm down enough to confront her.
She came downstairs to see how I was feeling:
E: Do you feel ok? You should go home.
Me: I feel fine.
E: You’re awfully quiet. You haven’t said much in days.
Me: That’s because I don’t want you telling my business. Why did you tell my business?
E: Huh?
Me: You heard me. Why’d you tell my business to the staff? I told the boss and that’s all I’m obligated to tell.
E: I didn’t say anything to anyone.
Me: Funny, 3 outta 7 people said you did. They all lied?
E: Who said it? Me: It doesn’t matter, keep my shit outta your mouth. It’s my business and I’ll tell who I want.
E: Oh, I think they saw a note on your desk about a doctor’s appointment.
Me: Don’t say shit to me, about me or around me because I know for a fact that that note wasn’t specific and one of those people never even sat here. Now get out.
Bitch STILL hasn’t owned up to it.
What I don’t understand is why a grown ass man or woman feels the need to lie in the first place? Then try and turn it around like it's on you? BITCH PLEASE!!
As you know, I work in a nursery part time and we have infants all the way up to 8 year olds. I have to say that the 3-5 year olds are the hardest to deal with.
Why? They're still being potty trained (well, some of them), they are stingy, they pout and they lie to get their way.
My co-worker's daughter is the majority of those things. I love her because she's blunt and honest to a fault, but she is also treated like an adult at home and sometimes doesn't know her place.
This week there was a little boy who was being a pest. If he were an adult, I'd call him an ass, but I have to assume he doesn't know any better yet. He was being very obnoxious and clingy. We're talking about a school-aged child. I finally told him if he wanted to continue acting that way then to go somewhere in the room where no one else was at and play by himself. He didn't want to. He wanted to hang up under my co-worker and whine.
I asked the co-worker's daughter if she'd like to have him for a brother and she said no, she'd smack him. Fast forward about an hour. The kids are playing (nicely) and the little boy has a toy that she wants. My co-worker is on the phone and not paying any attention and that's what the little girl is looking at, not me.
She snatches the toy and when the little boy tries to take it back, she smacks him in the face with a purse and knocks him down. I yell her name and tell her to help him up and apologize and she starts screaming that he was messing with her.
I repeated exactly what I saw happen, then she said he threw something at her. I said that it wasn't true and apologize. Then she said that he kicked her. Every lie she told, I came back with a truth until she finally went screaming to her mom to try and plead her case. Of course she didn't get in trouble and that's an injustice her mother will pay for sooner or later.
That came back to memory this morning as I thought about a co-worker at my other job that does the same thing. If you back her into a corner, so to speak, she keeps coming up with bigger and better lies to make herself look right until all you can do is look at her and shake your head.
I remember the last time I lied to my father. I was in high school. I was supposed to be somewhere, but was planning to use that as a cover and be someplace else. Before I walked out the door he told me "Be where you're supposed to be and do what you're supposed to be doing. I'm like shit in a cow pasture, by the time you see me, it'll be too late." Yeah, ok.
I went on with my plans. As I type this, maybe that was his way of telling me he was on to something, I don't know. Anyway, I went to where I wasn't supposed to go and I let my boyfriend at the time drive my dad's car (STUUUUUUUUPID move I now know) and he was smoking a cigarette in it.
We're just sitting in a parking lot, him smoking and me talking. He looks past me and says to me "What does that MF want?" I turn around and you KNOW who it was!
My lie had caught up with me. That was the last day I lied to him. I found that it's easier to face the truth and deal with it than to let the lies mount up until they stop adding up (and eventually they WILL stop adding up) and you look incredibly stupid to everyone who'd believed you up to that point.
Has a lie ever caught up with you or someone you know?
I'm not sure why, but I have had the weirdest craving for fresh snow on my tongue...
Last week they aired the Christmas Carol episode of Different World, where Whitley saw the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future.
Then later in the evening, they were showing The Preacher's Wife...
Christmas is just my most favorite holiday because I love giving to others.
Man, I couldn't get this song outta my head though.
You know you on dat shit when you say, and I quote:
"I'll do a cruise...I don't mind getting on a bus"
I swear, if my kids asked me the same question I've been asking God over and over again, I'd have tried to knock their heads off.
I've been asking and he's been answering and I've gotten the answer, but keep asking again, like I didn't even hear.
He just keeps giving me an answer that more and more simple. I GOT IT LORD!!! TODAY I GOT IT!
I thought it was a pretty cool idea and I'm jacking it nearly word for word.
Do you have an online friend who you feel deserves special recognition? I want to suggest that we all find a Friend, and not a spouse or current lover, to showcase in our blogs since there doesn't appear to be a Testimonial feature on Multiply. In this way, we all get a chance to "meet" your friend or get to know them better--from your perspective.
So, to get things started, I wanted to showcase one of my friends, and one of quite a few of yours: Ms. Mo' Sassi.
I've known Monni for a few years now having first "met" her online through a Yahoo group that she owns and moderates.
She's actually the first online friend of mine to cross over to real life. No, Mo and I don't talk every day or even every month, but there's never a wrong time for one of us to contact the other, if needed.
Mo doesn't judge you by who you are or the things you do and she is an 'as is' kinda girl. She's not going to tell you one thing and then do another behind your back
Mo is one of the few friends that I will plan extracurricular's with. I know she's going to have her money, be on time and there will be no BS surrounding it if she's got ANYTHING to do with it.
And she's also one of the extreme few that I will take a trip with.
I have SOOOOO much love and respect for Mo because of the hurdles she's overcome in her life. She reminds me of the strength I have in myself, even when I have to look for mine sometimes.
I present to you my friend and yours, Ms. Monni B. aka Ms. Mo' Sassi!
Who can you showcase today?
Men, pass this on or send the women you care about to this post
UHHH, you might wanna exit now...the feminine products is a clue!
Ladies, as we get older, our bodies change. It's inevitable. One day you're celebrating 30, the next you wonder where that vibrant, youthful woman went. It doesn't matter if you're the ultimate couch potato or the female bodybuilder of the year, your body changes.
If you're lucky, it's just a hormonal thing, but trust me. It happens. *whisperin* And the mid-life crisis is real. (I have the tattoo to prove it, lol),
Anyway, today's post is about Novasure, a procedure that I'll be having done this Friday.
All my life, I had a regular cycle. The 15th-18th of the month period (and trust that when I didn't start by the 15th, I knew and pun intended). Then I had my first child at 22. That didn't change much, but after having my 2nd child at 25, my cycle went to around the 4th to 8th.
That was still doable for me and then I went celibate for a few years. In my mid-thirties, I'd been having sex again, my period did some double duty crap and I had two 4 day cycles in one month. That wasn't flying, so I got on BCP's again. That regulated me again. 4 days a month.
Then this kidney stuff was discovered and I was told that another pregnancy would sent me to dialysis immediately and indefinitely, so I even though I wanted to try for a baby girl when I found that elusive ass "right man", I got my tubes tied.
Dummy me was under the impression that tubes tied = no cycle. WRONG
That joker went to 7 days a month!
Fast forward to this year and it's been doing strange things. In May I didn't have a period. In June that fukka lasted 10 days, do you hear me? 10!!!!
Not only did it last so long, but there were clots (we're talking golf ball sized). I figured, with my non-medical degree that since I'd had no cycle the previous month that it was working double time, so though I was concerned, I sat on the information (no pun intended that time).
So when history repeated itself in August, I went to visit my OB/GYN. He diagnosed me with menorrhagia and talked to me about a procedure called Novasure that is about a 90 second procedure where they remove the lining of the uterus.
He says this procedure should lessen, even stop my periods without using hormones or having the dreaded hysterectomy. I figure with all that I'm going through now, I don't need any unneccesary stress *note to self...Listen to yourself, dummy!* and it will likely help my severe anemia, so it will be done.
The full recovery time on an average is 2 weeks. If you're having similar problems, you might want to check out the Novasure website .
I encourage you to post about female and/or medical issues you may be going through. One post could save someone's life. You really never know.
| Stacy M has invited you to join the group MonkeyBusiness1.
Group description: Since this is a private group, your last name will be shared with other group members. Would you like to accept Stacy M's invitation? |
I've been on dialysis for 18 days now...9 sessions. Three days a week. I feel good. I've lost 22 pounds (sorry guys, it was mostly from my booty). I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in 3 years.
It wasn't easy at first though. The first day, I dialyzed at the hospital and everything was all foo foo and private and they fed you and you had a private nurse.
The next day, it was at a dialysis center and there were about 12 of us and 2 nurses and a bunch of techs. There is no eating.
The first day I walked in a black guy that appeared to be in his early 60's hollered at me from his chair "Woo Woo Woo!!". He asked the nurses why they sat me so far from him, did they think he'd bite me? Then he looked at me and said I won't bite.
Those of you who know me, know I looked him dead in his eyes and said you probably ought to worry about me biting you! And we've been friends from that day forward.
I can't lie, I went in all depressed. Thinking I'm too young for this. I don't want to be here with all these old people, etc.
The first person I met, Will, went to school with my parents. Then George was the guy who yelled at me (I later found out he will be 50, dude's been tippin the bottle or something). There's Harry, a white man, probably in his 70's and there's another man, I don't know his name, but he's a white guy in his early 40's. We all dialyze around the same time at in the same area.
We are a lively bunch and we clown back and forth til we fall asleep one by one. But we each decided that kidney failure is NOT going to defeat us and we act as such.
I use the time I'm there to listen to Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer and to read healing scriptures. I know I wouldn't be hearing and studying if I didn't have this "quiet" time.
Now the other side of the room is another story. These people have given up. They look like the walking dead. Just defeated coming in the door. They complain, they don't follow directions and some of them come in right out of bed, not bothering to even change clothes or comb their hair. I hope I'm an example to them...
I come in looking like I'm headed for the did, nails did, with a lil pep in my step.
It hasn't been all wine and roses however...The second time I dialyzed (7/29), my vein blew and it was like nothing I've ever felt. My arm immediately began burning and a nurse had to run over to turn off the machine and she found that my blood had clotted up the machine.
Well, that meant the port they had in my arm was unusable (I'm still pretty bruised) and they had to do what I kept telling the doctor I was too cute for...put tubes in my neck.
I had to be at the hospital at 11 am, the day my vein blew and they told me at 9, so I had to rush and find transportation, find a place for my kids to go, find someone to come up there with me.
I would NEVER wish this surgery on ANYONE...First of all, I was in there by 11 and they got around to me at 4.
I was NOT given general anesthesia, but a local IN MY NECK! and they have a tube in my neck, hooked up to my jugular vein. I was awake the whole time and it felt like he was jerking me.
There came a point when I had to hold my breath for about 10-15 seconds, which doesn't seem long, but when they tell you that you CAN'T breathe, you panic and it just ain't good. Well, they did that twice.
I was in serious pain for a couple of weeks, but I admit my sessions have gone very well since. It used to hurt to laugh, cough, clear my throat. It still hurts to lean forward to pick something up.
I'll tell you, without some of you, I wouldn't have been able to stay upbeat. I love you and I thank you. I'm working on restoring my faith and waiting for my healing.
The devil can try, but like that story about the Phoenix, I'm still gonna rise (it still got me 2nd place in a certain contest LOL!).
The words so strong
At least at the beginning
Who wouldve thought
there'd ever be an ending
We had it all
But it's like we've run into a wall
Now we try to talk
but just end up fighting
try making up
but there's just no denying
Jus' ain't the same no more
what are we putting ourselves through all this for
you talk and hear me
but you can't communicate
cause you're not lis'ning
know these are two differnt things
now I see what it means to have been
blinded by the one you love so deeply
The very things that make me love you
are the things pushing me away (now)
in tears we stand here
with nothing left to say
And all I could do for you
I should've done before (now)
In tears we stand here
There's nothing left to say
You touch'd my heart
and were so givin
spare it so free
you threw me in it
I fell so deep
I could not see my life
without you in it
Girl you gave me
alot of attention
Somehow the feeling turned
into crazy possessive
It was always there
But I didn't look deeper
If I would've I'da seen the limits
You talk and hear me
but you can't communicate
cause you're not lis'ning
know these are two differnt things
now I see what it means to have been
blinded by the one you love so deeply
I had my pride girl
and you had your pain
so deep inside you
wanted to have your say
irritated, frustrated and third baby
this is so confusing
girl I though this was the one thing for sure
The very things that make me love you
are the things pushing me away (now)
in tears we stand here
with nothing left to say
And all I could do for you
I should've done before (now)
In tears we stand here
There's nothing left to say
We should have our words
to try and encourage
us to find a way
cause there's nothing left to say
The very things that make me love you
are the things pushing me away (now)
in tears we stand here
with nothing left to say
And all I could do for you
I should've done before (now)
In tears we stand here
There's nothing left to say
What's Your Status? I talk to quite a few of you on a daily basis, but I really don't know some of you at all.
I want to know what your status is, be it:
Unhappily Single
Happily Single
Ok with being Single for now
Dating or Involved (specify)
Living with someone
Unhappily Married
Happily Married
For those of you who don't know, Deedles has a couple of folks close to her heart, but she is most definitely Ok with being Single for now. *single guys feel happy to try and change that*
(I believe an LDR can work if both parties are willing to put as much into it as they want out of it)
What's your status?
I just had to tell someone. A man just left my office (I presume he's homeless) and this is what he wore...
A green floral skirt, some green flip flops, pink painted toes, a white purse, a Kim Possible backpack, a dark wool coat, an assortment of grocery bags, a red tote and a colorful wristband bracelet.
He was not effeminate and appeared to be otherwise just a normal corporate america white male in dire need of a bath.
Thanks for listening