Friday, June 27, 2008

Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Stop the Wedding - Etta James

My uncle is 6 years younger than me and almost 10 years ago got married for the first time. He and his fiance got matching tongue rings and their names tattooed on each other. They were so in love. Well prior to meeting her, he was a player to center of his heart. For reasons unknown, he was able to snag a PK (preacher's kid) and she was who he propsed to.

I remember the wedding day vividly. My sister and I sat on the right side of the sanctuary on the row behind my grandparents. Somewhere mid ceremony, my sister started counting 1-2-3-4 of my uncles ex-girlfriends in the congregation.

Did this negro have a death wish? Was he crazy to invite them? Are they crazy enough that they all crashed the wedding?

Well, as you can imagine, when it got the part where they ask if there's any reason why the couple shouldn't be joined, there were quite a few people holding their breath, including my uncle. (Did I mention it was the father of bride performing the ceremony?)

It was funny seeing him regain his color when that moment passed. I personally have never witnessed a wedding where someone actually stood up and said something. (Though I've been to a few where the subliminal messages were flowing freely.)

Unfortunately the first marriage didn't work out (I found later she was a rebound chick and they shouldn't have married in the first place) and my uncle is now on his second.

The first wife's name tattoo is now covered with a tiger and his tongue ring is out because he's a police officer in the Chicago suburbs.

What my question to you is, have you ever attended a wedding where someone actually stood up and protested? Tell us about it!

I thought this was appropriate for some cake tops, LOL.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's In A Name?

What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet;

We've talked over and over again about the ridiculous names that folks have and can come up with.  I want to hear the names you love.  The names you might have had picked out for your child(ren).  The names of friends children that you absolutely adore.

Myself?  I love names of two of my Ply friends' children, Gianna and Garvey.  I'm partial to last names as first names, such as Jordan and Kennedy.  I like Jada and Paige.

What names do you like?

Friday, June 20, 2008

What do I see when I look at me?

class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 25pt 10pt;

Sometimes I see a beautiful woman (thank you DNA!) who has her feelings in check. A winning attitude and a smile that no one can take away.

Sometimes I see a counselor, always willing to listen to a friend in need, offering advice only when asked, not repeating what I’ve been told.

Sometimes a see a strong black mother, raising 2 sons, holding 2 jobs and doing what I have to do to keep things running.

Sometimes I feel like I’m on candid camera, like just now when my son called me to announce that he wasn’t circumcised (Tha Hell?) I assured him that he was before he ever left the hospital. He thanked me. *blank stare*

Sometimes I feel like a joke. I paint a wonderful picture of someone who has things together when I know I don’t. I’m a renter, not a homeowner although I’ve held a job at the same place for over 17 years.  That bothers me.  I'm doing something about it.

Sometimes, like now, I feel like a window that’s just been hit with a rock. Cracked, but not quite broken. It will take the smallest thing to send me in pieces, falling to the ground.  (I know, I've broken before).

Sometimes I feel like I’m on a continuous roller coaster ride that slows down near the exit and just when I think I'm about to get off, it goes speeding past and takes me for another round.

Sometimes I just feel ugly. Sometimes I feel every ounce I carry, especially when I hear my friends talk about another fat person as if I don’t weigh the same, maybe more. I just paste a fake smile and keep listening.  I feel like I’ve always been pretty enough for someone to try and screw, but not enough for most to date...the cause of my lack of love and at times self hate.

I know that’s just the devil because God doesn’t make mistakes and I know He loves me, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling the way I do.

Please tell me…What do I look like from your view?


Originally posted Septemeber 2006

I have really overcome a lotta shit!

You Are Not Alone - A Post For Gi Wizzle

Sis, your post last night has caused me to dig up some more 360 blogs.  Awhile back I was heavily depressed and after having Erykah Badu's Bag Lady on repeat for several hours, made a promise to myself that I was gonna start tossing baggage a little at a time because I was so tired of carrying it with me everywhere.  I'm sure I was labeled an attention whore at some point, but I didn't care.  I finally had my feelings about certain happenings out in the open and then I was able to free myself from the depression that locked me down.

I'll be the first person to say that I think I've been through an ungodly amount of shit to begin with and my life would probably make a great Lifetime movie.  Here goes...

College, the fun years, the dumb years.

All about the party. Kappa House. Western Illinois University.

Hangin’ with about 4 of my girls.

Alcohol from a trash can. Not Q-Oil, can’t remember what the Kappa’s called it.

Safe sleeping in the living room with everyone else, right? Not. People with alcohol induced sleep often hear nothing.

He came in to the living room. Woke me up and told me I could sleep in his bed instead of sharing the couch with someone else. That sounded cool at the time DUMMY!!

I get in the room and cuddle up under the covers. It’s a big bed. Made sense at the time.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Stop! Scratch. Hit. Scratch. Hit Scre-(hand smash over my mouth)

Forearm across my throat.

Hand pulling down my pants. Do I scream and hope someone hears me? If I do will he hurt me more?

If I calm down and just let him do what the hell he wants to do, I’ll be able to leave sooner and maybe it won’t hurt as much.

I give in and figure a little hurt is better than a lot. That’s not really consent. Is it? He gets what he wants and rolls over and goes to sleep. Yes, just that confident. He’s KAPPA ALPHA PSI---BLACK PRETTY BOY. I run to the bathroom and curl up and cry. A knock at the door. I yell go away. It’s a friend.

I don’t let her in. I can’t face anyone. I feel dirty. It’s my fault. I should have fought.

She finally says she’ll go to the bathroom and we can leave. I let her in. She sees I’m a mess. Doesn’t know what to say. I say how about “Let’s go”.

We walk out the door with the other girls. I don’t say a word. Neither does she.

We sit at the Amtrak station and hope someone from school drops someone off. I’m ready to walk 20 miles back to school. We finally get a ride. Silence. Get back to school. Silence. I try to shower my skin off, but I still feel dirty. Silence to the shower floor. I cry silently.

My friend later tells me she heard the commotion, but her boyfriend convinced her we were having a little fun.

Silence. Graduation. Silence. 1st job. Silence. Present job.

Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence. 13 more years of silence.

Everything I’ve been through finally weighs so hard on me I have to tell someone. I talk to them, I feel a little better, but more silence. I never report him. I finally tell my sister last year. I need to get it off my chest and out in the open again so I can deal with it and it can stop haunting me.

360. Tell it all. Don’t try to comfort. Comfort has already come. It’s out. I finally have gotten rid of the load. One more story. This one is finished. Pray that it will never hurt me again. I have overcome. The lust of a Kappa whose name I'll never forget.

Originally posted February 2006


I know we've talked about phobias on occasion, but I want to know what you do when you see that "thing" that gets under your skin.

I was minding my own business, surfing, I mean working and I heard a co-worker call her daughter's name several times (she was outside on break).  I thought something was wrong, so I peeked over my monitor to see her daughter standing on the curb, facing the street, body rigid. 

For a split second I was concerned, but then I saw a reflection in the window that let me know exactly what was going on.  This child has a phobia of "little people" and one was about to walk past.  I'm sorry, I got a cramp in my stomach from laughing so hard.  My co-worker had previously told me about this phobia, but until I saw it in action...

My son told me that my dad screamed while driving down the street because he saw a snake in the road.  (I love my dad, but snakes turn him into a ...never mind, LOL).

Now I, myself?  I'll turn my head when I see a clown.  I'll run my fat ass out the door if I see any kind of rodent (UGGGGGGGGGGH rememberin' the bat) and OH MY GAWWWD if I see a possum, dead or alive, it's on!  My kids always know if it's a dead possum we pass because I holler and then get chills up and down my spine til I shake it off.

What do you do when you come across something you hate?

I don't know what the woman in the video is watching, but that shit is FUNNNNNNNNYY!!!!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Borrowed from Robin

I agree with all but the first paragraph


Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

I Love You Enough

I Love You Enough

I love you enough to share the good and the bad
I will love you when you're happy or sad
I am here for you, for whatever it be
Remember, no matter what, you can talk to me

I promise to listen and never turn away
I want to hear all you have to say
I love you so much, I want you to know
No matter what, my love will continue to grow

I will always be here, to hold you when you cry
I will always be here, to dry the tears from your eye
I will hug you when you laugh, pick you up when you fall
Just remember darlin', with me you have it all

Cathy (Cookie) Carletti © 2007


I Believe In You And Me - Four Tops

Kids Say The Darndest Things - A 360 Repost

Everyone who has kids or even spends time around kids has at least one story.  It doesn’t matter how old or young, how recent or how long ago, there’s a story.

Whether it’s about you, your kids or someone else’s, you have to agree; they say and do the darndest things.  Here are a few of mine...


 Elementary school, before my nerdy years, I was a normal child, mischievous at times...

I believe it was 2nd or 3rd grade and the school I attended at that time was surrounded by nature trails.  The furthest southern part of the schoolyard was a baseball diamond that held water when it rained.

A girl I was friends with, who was a few years older than me expressed a desire to go home that day, as did I.  

SOOOOO, we staged a mud wrestling match of sorts between the two of us (which was actually each of us helping the other get dirty enough to get sent home) and when it was all over I had mud from my shirt to the bottom of my socks!

Somewhere there’s a picture of it.  I don’t even remember getting in trouble because I think we each said that one of us got pushed and the other was helping the pushed one out.   We still laugh at this today. Image


This is my accident prone child.  Image Don’t believe me? A friend recently gave him the nickname AP because of it.

He’s the cause of many trips the ER.

He has...gashed his knee on a broken down swing set, got a concussion and a broken ankle during a game of FLAG FOOTBALL, refractured the ankle a couple of years later playing with his brother and cousin, got hit in the forehead with an aluminum bat (his brother slammed it on the ground and in ricocheted and busted his head), he somehow and don’t ask how, clipped a keychain to his eyelid and most recently accidentally closed part of his face in his locker.

DON’T ASK!!!  I don’t anymore and if it results in an ER visit, I make him explain, lol.

He’s also a ham though. I remember one Christmas and I think he was either 4 or 5, but unbeknownst to me, Image he told every person who asked him, that he wanted black jeans for Christmas. He must’ve gotten about 12 pair of black jeans that year, lol.

One evening we were at my mother’s with some friends of the family and he had on this shirt that was so tight, I don’t think there was any way he could breathe well, Image some black jeans and these cowboy boots with a gold toe that he wore everywhere.

Someone put on The Best of James Brown and this little dude lost his mind. For about 3 songs he shuffled and scooted and screamed Hey Hey Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! All over the living room!

ImageImageImageWe still talk about THAT today too! LMAO


This is my more reserved child.  I made him a mama’s boy when his father died and I’ve been trying to reverse that mess ever since.

This is the one that shocks you every time because you expect Ant to do or say the crazy stuff, NOT!!!  One day when John was about 4, I overheard him telling someone a seriously fabricated story.  I couldn’t believe he had these words coming out of his mouth!  He told someone that when he was a baby he was white and had a white mom and dad.  He lived in a tall building and he choked on a pork chop.  ImageImageImage  WTH???

First of all, his dad was dark brown and ya’ll know what I look like!  We’ve never lived in a building higher than 3 floors and that’s right now and this lil negro didn’t even EAT normal food until a couple of years ago!

Of course I asked him about it and he repeated the story to anyone who would listen.  We were at his paternal grandparent’s house one day and I was telling his grandmother the story when he walked in the room.  I told him to tell his grandma about when he was a white baby.  Do you know he looked at her, looked at me and said “I’m brown now”.  And walked out of the room?!?!?! Image 

Fast forward a couple of years to coach pitch baseball.  This is a step up from tee ball and the kids are encouraged to wear a cup.   So after finding the right size and getting all the other things he needed for his first game, the day arrives.   I’d shown him how to put everything on and in what order and left him to get dressed on his own.   He yells to me that he’s dressed and ready and I say ok.

My bedroom is at the end of the main hallway and I can see the front door from my bedroom door.

I walk out the door to see him banging the door (well, humping it actually and HARD) Image.  I scream WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?! He calmly turns around and says testing out the cup.  Yep, it works, that didn’t hurt.  Image 

When you have stuff like this in your memory bank, it’s sometimes hard to stay mad at them.

What stories do you have?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Likely Story...

Tropical Treasure pits our clever heroine, Buttery  Deedles, against our witty hero, Rob  Williams, in the reality TV game show, TreasureQuest!


Sit back and relax as we take you to the magnificent tropical island of St. Isabelle...


Buttery and Rob meet and the games begin!

"You realize it's first come, first served, right?"

Buttery Deedles turned away from the open window. She'd thought she was alone in the cottage, the first of the TreasureQuest contestants to arrive from the mainland. But one look at the man standing in the doorway changed that impression.

     He was striking, with dark brown hair that highlighted his shining brown eyes. And he was wearing nothing but a towel.

     Buttery blinked her hazel eyes. She couldn't help but be taken aback, not only by his sudden appearance, but by the fact that he was so at ease with being practically naked in front of a stranger. Not that he had any reason to be ashamed of his looks, or the way the water dripped from his damp, dark brown hair down to his shoulders and chest...

     Whoa, girl, get a grip, Buttery told herself in annoyance. You've got three weeks on a tropical island. Start drooling after every half-naked guy you see, and you'll lose track of the whole reason you're playing this game. Then again, maybe that was the point of this man's scantily-clad appearance - to throw her off balance right from the start.

  Buttery clasped her suitcase handle tightly, smiling at the stranger. "I know it's first come, first served. That's why I'm here early. Wanted to grab the best view." She held out her free hand. "I'm Buttery Deedles by the way."

     The man reached over to shake her hand, his own warm and strong. "Rob Williams. It's good to meet you, but you missed my point. I'm afraid this room's taken already," he added, as if the proprietary way he was leaning against the doorframe wasn't making that clear enough.

     Buttery couldn't help but notice that his lips were curled into a one-sided smile, somehow merging self-deprecation and arrogance into one charming package. Buttery felt a faint irritation warming her face. Great, another guy who thinks women exist to find him attractive. "I hadn't noticed. And look Towel Boy, if your things aren't here, how do I know you claimed this room first?"...


Buttery receives a simple TreasureQuest clue 

Buttery looked down and read the TreasureQuest riddle aloud.

          Many challenges you have faced
          The prize still lies ahead
          But first,
Buttery, meet your destiny
          Return to that which you dread

Frowning, Buttery glanced up at Rob. "That's it? That's the only hint I get?"

     "Yes. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out immediately. I'd thought it was crystal clear."
     "Return to that which I dread," she murmured, not liking the sound of whatever it meant.

And then it hit her like a ton of bricks. "The rope bridge. I have to cross Pont Purgatoire."

     Rob sarcastically patted her shoulders like a proud pet owner. "Now that's why you're in first place. It's the challenge you abandoned earlier this week. Who would've thought they'd send you back?"

     "A girl can dream, can't she?" Buttery joked, although her stomach had suddenly become queasy as she felt panic settle in.  "This may be the easiest word puzzle, but the challenge is far from simple..."


Buttery , Rob and a TreasureQuest broadcast

Clive Patterson flashed his brilliant white teeth towards the television camera and began.

"Spiders and sand crabs and snakes, oh my! It's been some week for our gang here on St. Isabelle, hasn't it? Ready to hear what the audience response has been to our offshore antics?" The TreasureQuest host turned and presented a far-less-toothy smile to his contestants. The television cameras followed Clive's every move, and the large television monitor in the corner gave a colorful display of what the viewers at home were experiencing.

     "We're waiting with bated breath," Rob sarcastically piped back from across the room

     Clive laughed. "You may be cynical, but it appears the viewers aren't. Rob, how are you doing over there? Things are going well for you, aren't they? And the polls are pretty supportive of you and Buttery."

     Rob had been caught off-guard, and he shifted his position on the sofa between Buttery and Giselle. "I'm doing all right, but what's this about a poll?" Rob shifted uncomfortably again.

"We conducted a poll on the TQ website asking everyone to predict when you two will consummate your affair." Clive was on a roll. "We've all seen the chemistry between you and Buttery. Some of the emails we've received are rooting for you guys... others aren't quite as supportive."

    Buttery frowned, tucking her brown hair behind her ears in nervous irritation. She was now suddenly aware that her friendship with Rob might be cause for some...  misunderstanding.

     Without missing a beat Clive turned and was again talking to the cameras. "And Buttery has received raves from both our men and women viewers for being the best friend and most desirable girlfriend. We've received a lot of emails and love poems from some incurably romantic guys."

Buttery covered her mouth, blushing but feeling flattered. 

     Clive continued. "Also, there's a lot of media buzz about Giselle. Screenshots of her have become extremely popular downloads from the TreasureQuest website."

     Giselle smiled and crossed her legs. "Sorry Buttery," she said with a laugh, leaning back in her chair, she stared into the camera with a come-hither smile. "Screen-grab this, guys."

     Clive grinned then proceeded. "It's kind of a mixed bag, though, Giselle. I'm afraid you're also the player that the audience most wants used as shark bait."

couldn't hold back a bark of laughter. Giselle, however, pretended to be indignant.

     "That is so unfair," she said vehemently. 

     "Absolutely, but consider yourself lucky," Buttery said, peering around at the other contestant, "sharks won't eat one of their own..."


Buttery and Rob in the heat of competition

It was a cliché to feel a shock at his touch, but Buttery couldn't help the tremor that ran through her. His hand was strong and warm, and his brown eyes were so steadying, so electric with life and intelligence.

Buttery suddenly couldn't catch her breath, feeling her heart race at his nearness, she found herself dearly wanting to hold him even tighter.

     Rob bent down to her, lightly brushing her lips with his own, a teasing gesture that seemed like an invitation. Buttery surprised herself by responding without thinking or doubting whatsoever. She closed her eyes and leaned into him, seeking his mouth with a hunger she hadn't anticipated. As she kissed him, she felt him smiling beneath her. He's surprised too, she thought in amusement.

     Rob pressed forward, keeping pace with her own growing fervor, and moved his hands to the back of her head, entwining her silky brown hair with his fingers. Buttery opened her hazel eyes, almost sleepy with longing, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

     But when she leaned into his body, she was brought up short at the sight of the cameraman, his lens trained on the two of them like a leering peeping tom...

Just Curious: Did You Name It?

Some folks have named their ummm genitalia.  Why?  I'll never know.  I have come across some wild ones though.  The funniest to me being Rollo....

I've found that more men name their penises than women name their vajayjays.

Why fellas?  Have you named yours?  Share with me.

**for the record, I have NOT named her**

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm In a Funk...


Can't really describe it. Kinda don't want to. I'm in a funk ya'll.

I'm lurking everywhere today. I left my mark in a couple of spots, but I'm mostly reading, then jetting. And?

I know part of it is because I'm tired from the weekend, not that my life is so exciting, but I did a bit of driving and I suppose that drained me. Whatever.

I spent some time in Missouri with cousins I haven't seen for awhile.

It was kinda bittersweet in that almost everyone my age is married *sigh*, (I'm not going into a full "woe is me" kick, so bear with me) just not married to the same people they were married to the last time I saw them. *Geez God, what is the hold up?*

I can honestly say that I've done a better job as a single parent than some of them have, raising their children in a complete family *somma dem damn kids are BAAAAAAAAAD!!!*

I guess I'll be over my moment by the afternoon...thanks for lending me your ears, well, eyes.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good Black Men: A Father's Day Tribute

Good Black Men are indeed all around us.
We pass them on the streets, in the malls, and the halls at work.
Most we can’t see because we don’t know what a good man really looks like.
He usually isn’t flashy enough or rich enough to turn our heads.

He might not wear a suit or push a Lexus.
He might not have a body like Tyson with a Denzel face.
But, as you mature, you realize it’s better to find someone who’s got your back
rather than someone who turns your head.

A good man doesn’t agree wholeheartedly with everything you say.
He doesn’t just tell you what you want to hear and do the opposite.
He doesn’t declare how sensitive, sweet, caring, sincere, etc. he is
(he won’t have to because it shows).

He has his own opinions and yours may clash,
but he doesn’t have to degrade you to prove he’s right.
He even admits at times to being wrong, especially if you are willing to do the same.

A good man is not going to meet every item on your checklist.
He is human with frailties and faults mixed in with all of his wonderful, strong attributes.
He needs your love and respect.
He needs to feel that you don’t live to catch him doing something wrong so you can declare, “Aha! I knew you were a dog!”

A good man isn’t insecure about his woman having great achievements.
In fact, he is her number one supporter and becomes disappointed with her
when she begins to lose herself, especially for the sake of not hurting his feelings,
or only wanting to make him happy.

His happiness comes with seeing her excel in her dreams and accomplishing her goals.
For as she excels and is exalted,
a good woman will bring her good man right along with her.

A good man doesn’t necessarily give you a huge birthday or Valentine’s gift.
He shows his love in the ways that are comfortable to him.
Don’t judge him by TV standards.
No one is really living a fairy tale.
You’ll miss out on your own fairy tale by buying into the myth that our men are no good.
It’s just not true.


A good black man is a man of his word.
He says what he means and means what he says.
His word is his bond.
He never leaves you wondering if he is going to call or show up - he is dependable.
A good black man has a love and a heart for God.
As his relationship and love with and for God grows
so will his relationship and love with and for you grow…

Our beautiful black men we salute you,
appreciate you and thank you for who you are
and all you’ve done.

Pass this along to some of the Good Black Men you know
and a few women that need to read it …
So that they can recognize a good black man.


Author Unknown, but fully appreciated

Happy Father's Day!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Friday 4-1-1

The 4-1-1

Will R Kelly go down? Will he be found guilty in his child pornography trial? We are awaiting the outcome and the jury verdicts. Kelly was accused of having sex and videotaping his antics with a young teen girl. Kelly says it's not him on the tape. The alleged victim says it's not her.

Actress Lisa Raye McCoy Missick has had enough. After months of embarrassment and scandal, she is ready to throw in the towel on her marriage to the Prime Minister of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Even though he proclaimed his innocence in a recent sex scandal, just knowing that he cheated on her and participated in wild parties while she was away was enough to make Lisa say I Don't Need This Nonsense. The marriage started out as a fairytale. The wedding ceremony was spectacular, but the nightmare started for the couple soon after. For months, she has kept a stiff upper lip and tried to go on with her life, but she feels as though the prime minister humiliated her. How can she keep up the façade and go on with a charade of a marriage?

Is Evander Holyfield broke? He says no, but court records and the baby mammas say otherwise. His $10 million home in Georgia is facing foreclosure and some of his baby mammas were told not to look for any money in May or June. Holyfield is trying some new business ventures to get back on track. In his prime, he made millions boxing, and he made thousands for appearing on Dancing With The Stars. Where did his money go?

Singer Keyshia Cole is also having money problems. Her manager was recently caught writing bad checks setting Keyshia back $100,000.

50 Cent and the burned down home? A judge recently ruled that the rapper cannot sell the home. If he collects any insurance money, he must turn it over to a trust fund. The rapper's $2 million Long Island home burned to the ground last week. His baby momma, their ten-year old son, her boyfriend and another child were in the home at the time of the fire. Police suspect arson and the baby momma has blamed the 50 because he wanted her out of the house.

Is Queen Latifah about to make a life change? According to published reports, she is ready to marry her longtime Personal Trainer Jeanette Jenkins. The two have been close for five years, and they reside in homes on the east and west coast. Latifah has never commented on her personal life, and she has not officially come out of the closet. Is she getting married? Latifah doesn't want anything to overshadow her career. She doesn't want to be known for her sexuality. She has a lot of projects going on, including a new perfume line set to launch next year. She is also a spokesperson for Cover Girl cosmetics and Jenny Craig. She has never felt the need to go public with her private life. So, if she does get married, she will do it in private.

Janet Jackson is not happy with her record company. She feels Def Jam Records has let her down. Jackson's boyfriend, Producer Jermaine Dupri, is one of the company's label chiefs, so you can imagine there is a lot of tension between the two. Last week, Jackson blasted the company saying that they stopped promoting her latest album Discipline. The album came out in February, and so far has only sold 392,000 copies. Jackson says she will continue to go ahead with her world tour, but she may not be able to tour Europe. Reps for Def Jam say they are disappointed as well, but they still respect and support Janet. Jackson needs to pick up the phone and call Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. She had major success with them. Let Dupri be your boyfriend, but go back to Jam and Lewis if you want a hit!

In other Jackson family news, filming has begun on the new Jackson family reality show. The show will start out with Tito and his three sons and is being filmed in England.

Bobby Brown's son Landon is following in his father's footsteps. Like his father, he likes to kiss and tell. In a recent interview, Landon bragged about sleeping with Lindsey Lohan, and how his stepmom, Whitney Houston, never liked him. Landon talked about growing up with his famous dad and their crazy life. At the moment, Bobby is getting his life together. He just signed a deal with the CMT network for a new reality show. The show, Outsiders Inn, will pair him with Actress Maureen McCormick ("Marcia" of The Brady Bunch). The show debuts August 15th, and will show them running a southern bed and breakfast.

The war of words heated up over the weekend between Directors Clint Eastwood and Spike Lee. In this corner, there's Eastwood with his World War II drama Flags Of Our Fathers. Lee says Eastwood should be ashamed for not having blacks in the movie. Eastwood responded Lee should shut his face because it was his duty to tell an accurate story. He says Lee has not liked him since Eastwood directed the movie Bird about the great Jazz Musician Charlie "Bird" Parker. Lee is currently working on his own World War II movie. Lee's movie, The Miracle Of St. Anna, will tell the story of the all black squad of The 92nd Buffalo Division. These were the men who fought the Germans in Italy during World War II. In other Spike Lee news, he says lack of funding is keeping him from starting his proposed movie about the life of James Brown. Lee is also working with Cookie and Magic Johnson on a series of public service announcements regarding HIV awareness.

Usher gave a surprising interview to Cosmopolitan magazine. He revealed he is not good at being in love, and it's hard being faithful. Does his wife Tameka have reason to worry? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Actor Darius McCrary is fighting charges that he attacked his girlfriend video vixen Karrine Steffans. Steffans claims McCrary beat her up and ran her over with his car. McCrary says these charges are not true. He describes Steffans, who goes by the nickname Superhead, as a crazed stalker who abuses her ten-year old son. McCrary is best known as "Eddie Winslow" on the TV show Family Matters. Steffans is known for her celebrity tell-alls.

Mel B is one busy bee. The Spice Girl has just signed a new deal with the Disney Channel for a TV show that could start airing later this year.

Tennis Sensation Serena Williams is gracing the cover of Ebony magazine for their annual summer's best issue.

Arsenio Hall is returning to TV. Hall will be starring in the MyNetworkTV show Funniest Moments. The show will feature clips of funny moments caught on tape. The show will air this fall.

The new season of Runs House debuts on July 15th. The new season will feature Run DMC on the road balancing a summer tour and family life.

Jennifer Lopez is coming out with a new sports clothing line. The Lopez line will feature sneakers, yoga pants and dance gear.

Get ready for the return of Irene Cara. The former star of Flashdance and Fame is coming out with a new album later this year.

Congrats to Actor Vin Diesel. He and his model girlfriend are the proud parents of a new baby.

Is an autumn wedding in the works for American Idol Winner Fantasia and Rapper Young Dro? Sources say the two are planning a small wedding for the fall.

So how did Prince celebrate his birthday? The world famous musician recently turned 50, and had a quiet celebration with two female friends.

Don't look for Actor Terrence Howard to return to Broadway. Howard is about to end his run in the Broadway revival of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Howard says he will never do Broadway theatre again. He says the schedule was tough, and the experience left him depressed and exhausted. He stated doing eight shows a week was like slavery.

Get well wishes go out to actress Stacey Dash. Dash was recently injured on the set of Celebrity Circus. Dash broke three ribs during a stunt.

Rodney King is coming to reality TV. In 1992, his videotaped beating by L.A. cops led to the L.A. riots. Since that incident, he has been in rehab, and has had numerous run ins with the law. King is hoping the TV route will help him. He is going to be a part of the cast VH1's Celebrity Rehab.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell is ready to be a mommy. Earlier this year, she had a surgical procedure to help her achieve her goal. Despite her reputation, temper tantrums, and violent behavior, Campbell says she has calmed down and is ready for the next chapter in her life as a mommy.

Samuel L. Jackson has signed a development deal with CBS to produce projects for the network. No word yet if he will be starring in any of the projects.

Susan L. Taylor, Editor Emeritus of Essence Magazine and founder of The National Cares Mentoring Movement will be featured in the new Lee Daniels' movie Push. The movie will also star Rocker Lenny Kravitz and Mo'Nique.

Singer Jill Scott is currently touring the country promoting her new lingerie line. The butterfly collection can be found online at


This hunky Actor is featured in a new hit movie. He should be happy, but he's not because no one recognizes him. His recent plastic surgery jacked up his face.

In marriage, you often have to take the good with the bad. This Actor/Rapper is finding it hard to deal with his superstar wife. He loves the money and the spotlight, but he hates the fact that she loves to flirt with other men.

Who is this new Caribbean sensation on the block: Michelle de Barry?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Icnonlybme...a "freaky friday" repost

This was originally posted by Jah De' Poet aka Icnreadurmind on 2-1-08.  It was a total surprise. Jah has a way of doing that to you *smile*.  I just wanted to share because it's a hot ta def read, but before it was only viewable by Jah's contacts.  Thank you again Jah!






You need a mentor
I eat fantasies for dinner

 Indulgence for desert
Take notes


And in being me means that the writing I put on your walls
will make your sex organ
cum in verse

Screams strangling your whispers

 Icnonlybme when I place your legs so far back
they feel like they are
about to dismember

 Then give you 12 inch strokes until
your substance is tender

 Until your honeycomb creams and is covered
with my elixir

...Jusbu Jah...

Is that your body talking to me???

 I am a great listener


 when I master your womb
until it breeds beautiful attributes w
e form into a faction
until we become one gender
Of supernatural

 My pleasure principle
will keep you after school

 Icnonlybme by teaching you that mornings lose their youth
and mature into afternoons
then my lesson plan resumes
in an evening of labia licking in my room

 Icnonlybme when I teach you to discover crevices and places
that’s made for our eager
fingers and faces

 Our senses shivering in amazement

 My loins are raging

 Everything is going numb
below your waist

 Icnonlybme, so I came to court your oasis

 Our chemistry is formulating

Fluids will mix as if they were Gin and tonic

Icnonlybme when I ask you to saturate my tongue with your juices



Copyright © 2008 A ۞ ₪ Ŧħĕ ♂ Яebirth ♂ Θf...₪ ۞ Scribe All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Hell Week Has Come To A Close

Folks who regularly stop by know the issues I had early in the week.  Well, what I left out was that last week between Tues. and Thurs., my iron infusion days, my son thought he fractured his foot again, so we had to get that xrayed.

Monday, he had a follow up appointment with an orthopaedic specialist who said he has extra bone in both feet and because he has no arch (like his flat footed mama) it causes him pain, so I have to have some special inserts made for him.

Tuesday was cool. Wednesday I had to go get my eyes checked because it's been some years since I had that done and I'm waiting for my new reading glasses to come in...

Thursday, I felt AWFUL and made an appointment with the nurse practitioner and ended up leaving the office after getting a prednisone shot, a breathing treatment and a script for 2 new inhalers and an antibiotic for bronchitis.

Well, when I was in line to get the scripts filled, I started tingling.  Face, hands, tongue and lips, so I called my doctor who happened to be on call and she told me to get to the ER. Well, now you know Mama kicked in first.  I went home to get the kids some clothes in case I had to stay overnight and whoever took them didn't have to run them home.  Then I had to feed em and then I had to pay my rent so I wouldn't have a late fee (since I'd procrastinated long enough).  I rolled into the ER about an hour later.

Everyone and their mama and their mama's mama were there, but since it was a possible reaction, I was a priority.  Turned out to be just a slight reaction, but I had several vials of blood taken for testing and my calcium was way low and I had about a 30 minute breathing treatment.  I was released. Got my prescriptions filled and I got home around 1 am.

Friday I was up pretty early (before the alarm) and got to work on time. Had a pretty damn good day, but I had to catch up on my work because I hadn't done ish all week.

I left work 30 minutes after quittin time (I'm usually there about an hour after the official time) and headed to my dad's.  He recently got rid of Comcast and got ATT and I needed to set up his Outlook email and download some things.

My youngest was at his best friends and my oldest was helping my brother move.  I picked up the youngest and the oldest finished and we went to get something to eat.  I noticed on the way that my oldest was having trouble breathing, so I asked him about it.  He confirmed it.  Now me and the youngest have asthma, but not the oldest, so off to the ER we went. 

What I saw in the waiting room was so crazy, I had to take a picture because if I told you, you wouldn't believe it.

Just chillin under a chair.  I had told my kids the Gigi has folks all over Multiply calling me Butter or some variation of it and I had to send a picture to Harmony and Rob because it was too funny.

My son ended up not having an asthma attack, but was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and sinusitus, so he got sent home with the same antibiotic I'd gotten the night before and some acetomeniphine (sp) with codeine (he's sleepin reeeeeal good).

Guess what? We got home almost the exact same time as the night before, so I slept gooood today.

I laid out what I have to take every day right now and I have no shame is saying how ri-damn-diculous it is.

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Couple of Quotes I'm Really Feelin'

"It's almost like music is on birth control.  It just wants to f***, it doesn't want to procreate.  I'm not saying it's weaker, it just isn't progressing."

Cee-Lo--Ebony-June 2008


"A lot of times, man, you'll meet a person for a season and a reason, and once that reason and that season is up, it's time to move on.  And sometimes you don't necessarily want to move on, but damn--you're not dressed for the winter.  You dressed for the summer.

Lyfe Jennings-Sister 2 Sister-July 2008

A Sign That Someone Might Need Intervention, LOL

A note from a friend..

awwww that was so sweet... but i like butters better because beyond being baffled by Bee's buttery beauty, but bitten by boasting bout bitches babies badass buddies being bent by bobby before beating bricks barreling below Bee's big buttery buns,,,

the end...

The Friday 4-1-1 *reformatted for readability*

A friend of mine sends me these weekly. I think I'mma start posting them.


The 4-1-1

Who burned down the house? Rapper 50 Cent's Long Island multi-million dollar home burned to the ground last week. This was the house he was fighting his baby momma over. He wanted her out of the house, and now she is. Shaniqua Tompkins says the rapper threatened her, and she believes he started the fire.

Officials have ruled arson as the cause, and a 5 gallon gas container was found on the property. Tompkins has a ten-year old son by 50. She says he never called to check on his son, who suffered smoke inhalation. Reps for 50 Cent say he was on location in Louisiana filming a movie. Someone set the fire, and whoever did is going to jail.

Some sources are pointing fingers at Shaniqua, and they are still trying to figure out who owned the insurance policy on the home.

Mariah, watch your man! Friends of Mariah Carey are trying to warn the songstress to watch her man. Ever since Mariah Carey married Nick Cannon, he has been spending her money like crazy: the cars, the jewelry, and the clothes! He has been on a spree with her money.

One friend described it as watching a mad man who knows the gravy train will end soon, so he is going to get all he can get. Is Nick a spendthrift with her money, or is he a man who loves her and shopping to? Is Nick taking advantage of Mariah's generosity?

The R Kelly sex trial took an interesting turn this past week. The surprise witness was a woman who came forward claiming that she was involved in three-way sex sessions with Kelly and the accused victim.

The woman says she was 17 at the time, and she says she had sex three times with Kelly and the girl. She says Kelly loves to videotape himself, and he always carries a camera and his secret porn stash with him at all times.

When asked why she would come forward now, she says it was the right thing to do. The alleged sessions took place in the late 90's.

Producer Nile Rodgers is ready to tell all. The award-winning songwriter/producer and founder of Chic has an amazing story to tell.

He was born to a 14-year old teenage mother, and he starting using drugs when he was 13. In addition to working with the greats, Diana Ross, Sister Sledge, David Bowie and Madonna, he will talk about his battles with drugs and alcohol.

Wesley Snipes is set to star with Ethan Hawke in the cop drama Brooklyn's Finest. So what about his prison sentence? He is working while he is out on bail and his case is in appeal.

Bobby Brown slams Usher in his new book, Being Bobby Brown. Brown describes Usher as Mini-Me. He says Usher basically stole his act. Bobby also describes an altercation he had with the younger R&B sensation saying that Usher was drunk and came at him talking crazy.

I remember this incident, and it was the other way around. But, this is Bobby's recollection, so I digress. Check out Usher on the latest issue of Vibe magazine.

KeKe Palmer is going to be the next Nickelodeon star. The 15-year old star of Akeelah And The Bee will be starring on her new show, True Fashion. The show is set in the fashion world. Palmer will also be starring in the movie Long Shots. She'll play the first female quarterback in Pop Warner football history.

Nicole Ari Parker is joining the cast of the new Damon Wayans comedy Never Better. Parker will plays Wayans' wife. In the show, Wayans plays a recovering alcoholic who is trying to be a better husband and father.

Will Smith's new movie Hancock opens in theatres on July 2nd. In a recent interview, Smith says he would love to do another Bad Boys movie with Martin Lawrence.

Congratulations to Babyface. He's going to be a dad again. The 50- year old singer/songwriter and producer is having a baby with his longtime girlfriend, a 35-year old dancer. This will be Babyface's third child. He has two sons by ex-wife Tracey Edmonds.

Singer Clay Aiken from American Idol fame is also going to be a dad. The 29-year old Aiken is having a baby with his best friend, a 50-year old record producer who worked on his last two albums. The two live together in Los Angeles, and they are having the baby via artificial insemination.

Sean Levert's widow, Angela Lowe, has filed a wrongful death suit against the county officials who were holding him when he got sick. Levert died March 30th at the age of 39. The coroners report said he died of natural causes.

According to Lowe, prison officials showed no regard to Levert's medical needs. At the time of his death, he was suffering from high blood sugar and high blood pressure, and Levert was serving a 22-month jail sentence for nonpayment of child support.

Congrats to former 76er Chris Webber. He recently got married to his longtime girlfriend.

Toni Braxton's health problems are sidelining the singer. Her one woman show in Las Vegas has been cancelled. In April, Braxton had to be hospitalized for chest pains. Braxton suffers from a viral inflammation of the heart, and she has to adhere to her doctors' orders and get her strength back.

Vivica A. Fox's new reality show,VH1 Glam God, is set to debut in August. Fox is excited about her new TV show, which is on the hunt for the next great celebrity stylist.

London born Actor Idris Elba is the talk of the town in the United States. Best known for his role as 'Stringer Bell' on the HBO critically-acclaimed show The Wire, he is now branching out to the big screen.

In the next year, he has three movies scheduled, including the thriller Prom Night, Obsession with Beyonce and Rock N Rolla with Director Guy Ritchie. He's also in discussions about doing a movie based on the life of Basketball Great Michael Jordan.

New Edition turns 25. Later this month, all six guys, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins, Ralph Tresvant, Ronnie DeVoe, Johnny Gill and Bobby Brown, are going to be honored at the 21st Annual Rhythm and Soul Awards.

New Edition will be getting The Golden Note Award. This award is given to songwriters, composers and artists who have achieved career milestones.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is a single man again. Johnson's divorce just became final. He will share custody of his seven-year old daughter with his ex-wife, and pay her $22,000 a month in child support. Johnson's new movie, Get Smart, opens in theatres on the 20th.

Will there be a sequel to Sex And The City. With the amazing success of the big screen movie, you can count on it. Did you like the movie? Would you like to see a part two? What happened to Actor Jason Lewis face? YUCK! Too much plastic surgery? He plays Samantha's young boyfriend. Smith he used to be so handsome now he just looks strange.

The music world lost a legend this past week with the passing of Guitar Great Bo Diddley. Known as 'The Architect Of Rock & Roll,' Diddley had a style all his own, and his influence is heard in many of the great Rock & Roll legends of today.

Former Top Model Winner Eva Pigford, now Marcelle, is joining the cast of the Young & The Restless. Her first appearance as a young mother is scheduled for later this month.

Queen Latifah is ready to get into the perfume business with a launch planned for next year.

Singer Ne-Yo has been sentenced to 24 months of community service. He recently pleaded guilty to reckless driving stemming from a driving incident earlier this year.

Al Reynolds is looking to start his modeling career. Reynolds is moving on since splitting with Star Jones. He realizes he has to make money to continue his lavish lifestyle. Reynolds refuses to answer questions his sexuality, but his recent actions won't stop those questions. In his first photo shoot, he posed shirtless with his hand down his pants. Hmmmmmmm!

Star Jones is also moving on. Word has it she'll be one of the celebrities on the new season of Celebrity Apprentice. She and Donald Trump are friends, and he wants to help her get her career back on track.

Mary J. Blige says she has experienced a lot great things in her career, but one wish she has is to work with Anita Baker. Blige says Baker is one of her idols, and she hopes to get a chance to work with her. Baker is about to hit the road this summer for a tour.


Sherri Shepherd of The View has been tapped to co-host The Daytime Emmys on June 20th.

The Michael Baisden TV Show returns for a second season on June 21st. The show airs on TV One. This season's special guests include Singer Tamia and Iyanla Van Zandt.

Ugly Betty Star Vanessa Williams has been tapped to host the TV Land Awards on June 15th.

Motown Records is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a 10 CD box set. The Motown collection comes out July 1st on Time Life Music. The box set will also feature a DVD of Motown stars on The Ed Sullivan Show and lyrics to 10 songs. Billy Dee Williams will be starring in the infomercial.

The BET Awards are set for June 24th. Mariah Carey and Usher are scheduled to perform. Quincy Jones and Al Green will be honored that night. Comedian D.L. Hughley is hosting.

The 51st Annual Grammy Awards are set for February 8th 2009. The show will air live on CBS.

Will Smith's new movie, Hancock, opens in theatres July 2nd.


This female celebrity loves her title, and she loves being married. Her marriage has been a nightmare. Her husband always cheats on her, but she doesn't care. She loves the prestige, and her ten carat ring.

This Male Celebrity is an embarrassment. He carries on like a live minstrel show. He likes to get close to female celebrities and have his photo taken. This takes the focus off what he is really doing, carrying on an affair with his young, untalented protégé.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Couldn't Make All This Shit Up... **UPDATE**

Well, as you know, my keys were on top of my building...I went to the office the next morning and spoke with the property manager who let me know that there were 7 air conditioning units that had broken down and were priority (we have ONE maintenance worker for the whole complex).

I told her that was fine, but I was concerned that it would possibly rain and ruin my keyless remote.  She said that she'd washed her keys in the washing machine and it still worked.  I was like heffa, so what! I still don't want them getting rained on.

The day goes on and it's gnawing at me that my keys are up there where *YUCK* birds are!!  By late afternoon I really have an urgency to get my daggone keys somehow.  Well, I go to the office to check the status of things, hoping maybe they took about 5 minutes to go up and get them.  No such luck.

So, I did what I always do...Went to my dad's (in my blue jean skirt, no less), traded my car for the Silverado, put the 18 foot ladder in the back and headed home.

When I got there, I decided that I could do it, but my son has me by about 5 inches and his wingspan was an advantage.  So, I carried to ladder up to the third floor landing and set it up and then went and got him and told him to take the broom up and get my keys.  Of course, he's afraid of heights, so I had to pep talk him all the way and tell him to only look up.

Ya'll know I wasn't about my let my child fall, right?  I'da caught his 225 lb ass if I had to, LOL.

Anyway, we had the keys in less than 5 minutes.  I let him gather himself after he got off the ladder and I very politely carried the ladder back down and loaded it back in the truck and headed back to dads.

I called the maintenance guy and let him know I'd gotten my keys.  That hella storm you east coasters got last night?  The very storm that would've taken my keys who knows where if they'd have stayed on that roof.

I don't necessarily WANT to be an independent woman, but dammit, I HAVE to be! 


Independent [Featuring Lil Boosie and Lil Phat] - Webbie

In the Opinion Pages in today's paper

Once upon a time...

there was a lawyer from Illinois who had served only briefly in our national legislature.

He had served before that in the state legislature.  He had no foreign policy experience.  His military experience was limited to three months in the militia. But the people believed in him.  And he turned out ok.  His name was Abraham Lincoln.

I thought this was an interesting comparison, though I'm not a big Lincoln fan.  Just interested in what you think?

Monday, June 2, 2008

I Couldn't Make All This Shit Up...

Enjoy the music.  I had this in my head today, thanks to another blog.


I'm sure some of ya'll think I make up some of the stuff I post because I have got to have the most eventful life I've ever seen...

Friday, after leaving the office, I decided to do my grocery shopping because after working in a grocery store, I avoid them on Saturday's at all costs.  I probably had my cart 1/3 full (I'd left my 16 year old attitude, I mean son, in the car) when the head cashier started screaming at the shoppers to go to the back of the store immediately.

I asked someone why, they said a funnel cloud had been sighted not too far away and the police were clearing the streets and they were instructed to move everyone to the rear.

So I call my son who of course wants to know why he has to come in (the damn sirens didn't clue him in) and I told him to shut the hell up and get in NOW.  He gets in just before they lock the doors and proceeds to tell me that he was looking at this really cool cloud that was kinda wide at the top, but tapered down at the bottom (is he fa real?) I'm like FOOL, that was a funnel cloud! Don't you watch the Weather Channel or Storm Stories? Nope. *BIG sigh*

So we spend the next 30 minutes or so holed up in the stockroom of the grocery store.  I texted a good friend because I was kinda starting to freak out and that person send me a note and simply said "U are loved".  I have never felt such a peace like the peace I felt after getting that message.  Some of ya'll remember I'm kinda scared of storms and terrified of tornadoes.  After the sirens went off, they said another cell would be coming through and gave an approximate time and we very politely put up all the perishable items and headed to Popeye's (even after Red's rat story) then headed to the house I grew up in.  That's always a source of contentment for me.  Me and the kids sat in the living room and ate and talked to my dad as we watched the rain coming down.  I mean, we had the front door open and everything.  I couldn't believe it.  Pretty soon things started getting weird again and we headed downstairs.

I'm not sure how long we were downstairs, but my oldest said that before he knew it, everyone was snoring, but him.  That's another thing I don't usually do.  Fall asleep during a storm.

Anywho, I woke up a couple of hours later and was headed back up when some vinyl caught my eye.  I found all my albums and 45's from when I lived there.  I found The Boogie Boys and New Edition's N.E. Hearbreak albums, lol.  I found my very first 45 my dad gave me Never Can Say Goodbye - Jackson 5.  Man, those brought back some serious memories.  I spent much babysitting money at the record store.

Saturday was decent. Hot as all get out, but a pretty good day.  I went to Walmart for something (still can't remember what) and ended up buying a new tv stand for the living room.  It was $89 marked down to $45 with another 10% off because it was the floor model and I was given a sheet of paper that had all that information on it.  When I went to ring it up, why'd the cashier ask me how much was supposed to be taken off?  I said 10%.  She said well, how much would that be? This wasn't a kid either, this woman had to be in her 50's.  I was just like wow...

We went to the drive in later Saturday night.  The kids watched Prince Caspian and I cheated and faced the opposite screen and watched My Babymomma (we were in the Silverado) and then we all watched Iron Man (great movie).

Yesterday *pausing for a moment to shake my head* I didn't bother waking the kids for church because we got home after 1:30 am.  I went and left shortly before communion.  Came home and took a nap.  We ran some errands etc.  Fast forward to coming in for the night (about 9).  I'm on the ground floor and my son is on the 3rd floor landing asking for my keys.  I try to toss them, they fall short.  He heckles me.  I try again, he heckles again and tells me to give up.  I'm bound and determined to get them up there, so I really gave it my all...

Why are my keys on the roof of the 3 floor building?  Just call me Schleprock.

Maintenance will get them some time today and call me.  Thank God, I had the sense to heed the urgency to have an extra house and car key made!

Like I said...I couldn't make this shit up.