Monday, June 2, 2008

I Couldn't Make All This Shit Up...

Enjoy the music.  I had this in my head today, thanks to another blog.


I'm sure some of ya'll think I make up some of the stuff I post because I have got to have the most eventful life I've ever seen...

Friday, after leaving the office, I decided to do my grocery shopping because after working in a grocery store, I avoid them on Saturday's at all costs.  I probably had my cart 1/3 full (I'd left my 16 year old attitude, I mean son, in the car) when the head cashier started screaming at the shoppers to go to the back of the store immediately.

I asked someone why, they said a funnel cloud had been sighted not too far away and the police were clearing the streets and they were instructed to move everyone to the rear.

So I call my son who of course wants to know why he has to come in (the damn sirens didn't clue him in) and I told him to shut the hell up and get in NOW.  He gets in just before they lock the doors and proceeds to tell me that he was looking at this really cool cloud that was kinda wide at the top, but tapered down at the bottom (is he fa real?) I'm like FOOL, that was a funnel cloud! Don't you watch the Weather Channel or Storm Stories? Nope. *BIG sigh*

So we spend the next 30 minutes or so holed up in the stockroom of the grocery store.  I texted a good friend because I was kinda starting to freak out and that person send me a note and simply said "U are loved".  I have never felt such a peace like the peace I felt after getting that message.  Some of ya'll remember I'm kinda scared of storms and terrified of tornadoes.  After the sirens went off, they said another cell would be coming through and gave an approximate time and we very politely put up all the perishable items and headed to Popeye's (even after Red's rat story) then headed to the house I grew up in.  That's always a source of contentment for me.  Me and the kids sat in the living room and ate and talked to my dad as we watched the rain coming down.  I mean, we had the front door open and everything.  I couldn't believe it.  Pretty soon things started getting weird again and we headed downstairs.

I'm not sure how long we were downstairs, but my oldest said that before he knew it, everyone was snoring, but him.  That's another thing I don't usually do.  Fall asleep during a storm.

Anywho, I woke up a couple of hours later and was headed back up when some vinyl caught my eye.  I found all my albums and 45's from when I lived there.  I found The Boogie Boys and New Edition's N.E. Hearbreak albums, lol.  I found my very first 45 my dad gave me Never Can Say Goodbye - Jackson 5.  Man, those brought back some serious memories.  I spent much babysitting money at the record store.

Saturday was decent. Hot as all get out, but a pretty good day.  I went to Walmart for something (still can't remember what) and ended up buying a new tv stand for the living room.  It was $89 marked down to $45 with another 10% off because it was the floor model and I was given a sheet of paper that had all that information on it.  When I went to ring it up, why'd the cashier ask me how much was supposed to be taken off?  I said 10%.  She said well, how much would that be? This wasn't a kid either, this woman had to be in her 50's.  I was just like wow...

We went to the drive in later Saturday night.  The kids watched Prince Caspian and I cheated and faced the opposite screen and watched My Babymomma (we were in the Silverado) and then we all watched Iron Man (great movie).

Yesterday *pausing for a moment to shake my head* I didn't bother waking the kids for church because we got home after 1:30 am.  I went and left shortly before communion.  Came home and took a nap.  We ran some errands etc.  Fast forward to coming in for the night (about 9).  I'm on the ground floor and my son is on the 3rd floor landing asking for my keys.  I try to toss them, they fall short.  He heckles me.  I try again, he heckles again and tells me to give up.  I'm bound and determined to get them up there, so I really gave it my all...

Why are my keys on the roof of the 3 floor building?  Just call me Schleprock.

Maintenance will get them some time today and call me.  Thank God, I had the sense to heed the urgency to have an extra house and car key made!

Like I said...I couldn't make this shit up.


  1. I'm just glad to know you're ok. It seems someone really does love you if those 3 words worked like that. I'm a lil jealous.

  2. You should be...if I could only tell you half of what I feel for him!

  3. "why'd the cashier ask me how much was supposed to be taken off? "

    At this point you should have said "ummm I think thats $30 bucks... yeah, thats what 10% is"

    Im just saying...

  4. And that sounded like an eventful weekend, a lil scary to... I guess we dont get all that stuff up here...

  5. Thanks to you, I ended my Friday with some Mojitos, LOL

  6. OMG!!!!!! That had to be intense!!! I'm glad you and your son are okay.

  7. You have NO idea how glad I am that your OK.

  8. I was in the basement of the building I work my side gig in when all of a sudden it sounded like the building was falling in on top of me (apparently it was pretty rough - one of the attorneys came down and said you couldn't see across the street it was raining so damn hard).

    I am very glad you are safe!

  9. GIRRLL! Seeing your pic just reminded me that when I was on the highway Saturday (bringing home the TV stand) I saw something outta the corner of my eye....a damn spider flapping in the wind! My windows went up and I damn near suffocated cuz the air wasn't working right! LOL

    And thanks to everyone for well wishes.

  10. First off I'm glad you and the boys are OK. I'd be afraid too. I'm also glad that you had a special person to reach out to when you were nervous. Secondly I'm FEELING your VINYL music selection!

  11. uhhh, how did seeing silkee's picture remind you of a spider??? LMAO!!!

    Seriously though, I'm glad you're ok and the attitude, er, son is too! I've never seen a funnel cloud in person, but I've seen the wizard of oz enough that I should be able to recognize one, LOL. I hope I never get caught in a tornado, I'm like you with big storms, we have to deal with the hurricanes here, but luckily we are far enough from the coast that we only get some strong winds and rain, but still, freaks me out!

  12. She and I each have a history with spiders and other creepy crawlies.

  13. I didnt drink none this weekend... gotta make up for it tomorrow

  14. Can I borrow N.E. Heartbreak? That's a classic!

    Glad you are A-Ok sweetie!

  15. WoW! Glad your ok, but watching the weather channel would be added to someone's homework Be safe.

  16. LOL, I also have All For Love and the 12" of Poison (BBD)

  17. You ain't kidding! I mean seriously, that should be a common knowledge living in the midwest.

  18. I'm glad you and yours are OK!

  19. U had an interesting weekend to say the least....... I want ur son to know what a Storm cloud looks like though LOL..... I am glad that you guys are ok though

  20. They taught that kind of stuff in Earth Science when I was in 7th grade... granted that was 25 YEARS AGO... but I'm saying!

  21. He's so into his music that nothing else makes sense. I'd like to think his head was cloudy because he'd been sleep, but no telling.

  22. You are a far better woman than myself... it was all I could do to manage to keep Blackjack on the road when I saw a spider WEB ... one faint little tendril, in my window on Saturday night.

  23. Schleprock.

    how amny of y'all remember him???

    As far as your keys are concerned, that may be a sign of old age heehee

  24. Didn't I tell you last night what I thought of your comments? *Hmpf*

  25. Quoting the old Virginia Slims ads "We've Come a Long Way Baby!"


    I'm just glad that it didn't get any more seriouis than it did and nobody was hurt, especially your son....or I wouldn't be laffing at all.

    Even in the midst of stressful situations, you can find something to laff at.

  27. Very interesting weekend...

    And why can't I find anything good marked down when I am looking..dang..but thats a whole nother topic lol

  28. At Walmart, shop at night...They often have markdowns that they don't really have room to display on their own and the put them in carts or on a dolly in the front aisle, directly behind the cash registers. Hellacious savings! And look at floor models and really comb the clearance aisles. Also look online. I've purchased $36 bed in a bag sets for the kids before.

  29. Glad everyone is alright. I saw a tornado once when I was a child. Once you get over the "this thing could destroy everything I hold dear" of it, it was a pretty cool sight lol. I did however know what it was unlike your son(he should have constant science books hurled in his direction lol)

  30. as destructive and devastating as they can be, it is still very fascinating and just awesome to see......FROM TV!!!!

    My ass would be running in the OPPOSITIE direction if I saw one.

  31. Wow...I thought MY life was interesting...

    I love storms. I like to look at 'em, study 'em, stand in 'em...I should've been an intrepid weatherman...

    Im glad you're ok.

  32. about the keys...

    Aliens did it ;)

    Have a good one

  33. Thanks for sharing lady! I'm glad you all made it safely through the storms!

  34. Lawd ...LOL
    I am glad you made it through the storms in one piece. I can't believe the boy was tornado watching like it was on the weather channel. LOL I sleep through storms all the time, but its probably because In downstairs below ground and feel pretty secure. And got a pretty good arm on you, huh? LOL

  35. Girl, you betta block EVERY CHANNEL in your house except for the Weather Channel and Discovery. I know you knocked him upside the head for that!!

    I'm glad you guys are ok, and that God blessed you with that "peace that passes all understanding". THAT is a big one.

  36. Schleprock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now thats funny as hell

  37. I heard about the storms while out of the country. Glad to hear that all is well for you and the fam.

  38. I was about to put an APB out on you girl!!

  39. Yeah, yeah....I know. I didn't tell ANYONE that I was taking off for 2.3 weeks. I was just itching to get out of Dodge.

    But blogs and TONS of photos to come.

  40. ok, you know what?

    next time I say something about the bass ackwards itsh that goes on in My world, dont say nuffin!

  41. LOL, Schleprock, I aint heard that in a long time. By the way, I can call the Great Kazoo to get them for you DUM DUM, hehehehehe

  42. I walked right into that one didn't I?

  43. If it's big enough for me to walk into, no thanks.

  44. Fuck you Robert...and for the record, it's not.
