I woke up Sunday morning feeling rather sad. It was the day I had to fly back to Milwaukee, gather my kids and drive home.
I'm always sad when I leave the east coast, no matter where I am (I fell in love with Virginia a looong time ago), but I was really sad because I was going to miss the get together at Q's that evening.
I had yet to see Unka Kardio, so I called him so I could at least talk to him. He was in the vicinity, so he said he'd stop by.
We talked for a bit and as he was about to leave, he said he'd see me that evening. I said no, my flight leaves at 5:50. He said WHAT?!?! You're not staying? Why not?
Well, my sister had my kids and she still wanted Sunday and Monday to herself. So I was going to have to miss meeting the rest of the NY crew that I hadn't met yet. 
I was going to miss seeing my best friend Harmony. 
I was going to miss another one of Q's get togethers.
Unka K told me I needed to get my ticket changed. I told him I didn't have the money. He asked how much it would cost. I told him I didn't know. Plus I didn't know if my sister would keep the kids another day. He told me to ask. Q chimed in that Sis probably wouldn't want to keep the Bay Bay's another day. I told him to shut up because my kids aren't bad.
I dialed my sister's number and it rang one time and she answered " COME GET THESE KNEEGROWS!!!!
I said I guess you don't want to keep em another day, huh? Evidently she'd allowed them to sit together in church (a definite no-no) and they got into a smackfest (I'd bet money the 16 year old started it) during service.
I again asked if she wanted to keep them another day...as she said no, Q said "There's $XX in it for you!" as I waited for her to say heck no, she actually said "I want my $XX the second the plane touches down!" I told her it still depended on how much it was going to cost to get the tickets switched and I'd let her know.
One hurdle down, one to go. I got Air Tran on the phone and found out how much it would cost to switch the ticket and I told Unka Kardio and he said "No problem." and handed part of it to me on the spot, Unka Q handed me the remainder so I stay I did.
*Moment of Reflection*

That should be a plural, because no matter what some folks might think, the Uncle's took care of me in a way that my family likely wouldn't. They looked out for me from the time my plane landed at BWI, to the second it took off. Thank you:

(and that's ESS TEE OH, not STOW)
Last, but not least

for taking me to the airport at 4 am. (We're good ya'll)
Now...about this party...I got to meet so many people, it was ridiculous. The first thing I noticed is that the men were waaaaay finer than their pics showed and the ladies were much prettier (I still say I have the best looking contacts ever!) I got to meet forever smiling LadyJey, Sugashock, CarribeanBoy, I mean Toy (the bartender), Sugawallz, Blaqluv, Nae, Vera (tha chef, swear she put all 10 of her toes in that mac n cheese!) and ALoveSupreme in addition to the folks I already knew or had met earlier in the day!
When I say we clowned...I don't know what CarribeanToy put in those drinks, but Deedles showed her ass (literally or figuratively you ask? What happens at Q's stays at Q's). At the end of the evening it was all good though.
We bowled some kick ass games on the Wii (I think the result will be at least 3 people will be purchasing one soon).
Nae and Q together? You'd do very well not to eat or drink in their presence, lest you know someone around you knows the Heimlich maneuver.
Before I conclude, I just have 2 more things to say...
Don't even try...you had to be there!