I want to thank each person who sent me a Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and/or Happy New Year!
Thank you to each person who sent me a Christmas/Birthday card, it was very much appreciated (more than you will ever know).
I haven't "properly" said goodbye to 2008, nor ushered in 2009. As most of you, I have cleaned house.
If for some reason you find yourself not connected to me anymore, it's for one or more reasons.
1) I can no longer tolerate your ignorance, your undying need to fit in or your sense of humor that is really funny to only a handful of folks
2) I found out that behind your back is the knife that you occasionally bring forth to stab me (I'm sure you never thought I'd find out, but I did)

3) I really don't have anything in common with you or I never see anything on your page that inspires me
4) I accepted you without really knowing much about you and nothing really ever clicked
or 5) I found out some truths about you that makes me question our friendship so

I'm still working at being stress-free and we all know that some folks just aren't conducive to that type of environment.
So now I've edited my contacts, changed my phone number and am entering 2009 with aspirations of becoming an even better person, a better friend to those who deserve my friendship and the best wife-to-be that I can be.
*sigh* Back to work I go...